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Nickname Skeleton_V@T 
State/Province, Country Dac Lac   Viet Nam
GD Gathering City Ha Noi, Dac Lac, Viet Nam
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Member Since 8/27/2005 11:20:12 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
std::basic_*fstream lacks of supporting Unicode file names ? Hi. The title has described most of my problem. My OpenGL project has been built to be compiled in both ANSI and Unicode strings friendly. I've been using standard C I/O functions to deal with files, they are _open (), _read (), and _write (). So... 
Posted January 20, 2006 5:44:13 AM
The C++ std::vector and file I/O I want to use std::vector for a bunch of allocated memory without having to remember to free it after using. That memory area will be filled with the data from a file, but the file IO routines I've been using require a pointer to an allocated memory... 
Posted January 9, 2006 12:31:39 AM
[Fixed Gracefully] D3DXCreateTextureFromResource () - How to ? Hi all!. I have a little problem: How to create a texture from resource which type is not .BMP (such as .DDS, .PNG etc etc...). The DXSDK documentations provides not enough infos to do this correctly. I've tried a number of ways but still not suc... 
Posted November 2, 2005 5:08:08 AM
[Fixed] C++ Reference identifiers Hi all!. I just wonder, if reference identifiers in C++ is treated like a pointer ?. I mean when we declare/pass a reference, the compiler provides all the '*' and '->' for me ?. Is there any difference ?. Just a question to determine shoul... 
Posted October 31, 2005 12:01:09 PM
[Fixed] DXGetErrorString9 () problem Hi! I've just implemented this function to remove all my switch () statements that convert each possible error value to string then write it to the log file. But my EXE effectively stores ALL possible error strings in the DXErr9.lib when I just used... 
Posted October 30, 2005 12:12:02 PM
[Fixed] Weird bug in Visual Studio .NET 2003 Hi! This is a very simple (somewhat silly) bug I encoutered in VS.NET 2003: struct SomeStruct { float Var1, Var2, Var3, Var4 ; } ; unsigned int const uiSizeOfStruct = sizeof (SomeStruct) ; No matter how m... 
Posted October 29, 2005 4:06:56 AM
Get mouse buttons state without DXInput ? Hi!. Can anyone tell me how to get mouse buttons state (Up/Down) wihout using DXInput and Windows messages ?. Is there any function ?. I had everything I need for input but the mouse buttons state!. The MSDN doesn't refer to any functions that relat... 
Posted October 19, 2005 5:58:52 AM
About Message Processing System Hi everybory! I'll try to describe it in short and sweet: As game programmers, you often encounter this situation: When two classes, say classA and classB exist in your projects. Both classes sometime need to invoke each other class's method(... 
Posted October 12, 2005 11:23:03 PM
New (Or at least I think so) way to manage objects Hi every bodies!. I'd say I've only learned to develop DirectX-based programs for a few months (to make games, of course) and have digged the Internet for games source code. As far as I've known, when programming games, people often create some... 
Posted September 24, 2005 8:44:46 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
c++ win32, Is using UnregisterClass required when closing program? If you feel lazy, you may malloc bunches of memory, create several windows and threads then leave them while relying on the OS to do the cleaning up for you. It doesn't guarantee everything will be properly cleaned up, especially if your app is... 
Posted March 17, 2006 4:27:12 AM
How can i control several PCs with one keyboard AT THE SAME TIME? You can pack user input data then transfer through local network. There're two instances: You let your game handles outer input. It may bring more complexity to the game if it is originally not intended for network playing. Write an application th... 
Posted March 9, 2006 4:27:39 AM
Yay, more scene graph stuff... To sum it up, Creating Complex Entities Quote:Original post by Shamino XML would prove to be slow Actually it is not a problem as you'll normally scan the data once when loading, it goes smoothly with other elements. In any cases I believe it is still faster than parsing a script by... 
Posted March 8, 2006 12:16:19 AM
More than one window Can you show me the relevant code ?. 
Posted March 8, 2006 12:07:13 AM
Changing size of 2D controls Did you reset the viewport/projection matrix when processing WM_SIZE message (assuming you're using plain Win32 window processing code) ?. 
Posted March 6, 2006 5:49:33 AM
Template recursion. Write a file encryptor which allows the creation of seft-executables and multiple-file packages ?. It is not the actual algorithm is important, you'll learn how to deal with resources, adding/extracting data from an executable and other little stu... 
Posted March 5, 2006 9:45:48 PM
Find path to a Folder (C++) You may use shell's SHGetSpecialFolderPath () / SHGetFolderPath () functions. The most important parameter is the folder ID, which you can look up at MSDN. [Edit]: I don't think I typed that slow [smile]. 
Posted March 4, 2006 6:45:35 AM
How to run one dialog from another (WinAPI)? Omega147 has already answered your question, the fact is DialogBox () invoke a modal dialog that (in general) take over control of the main window and doesn't return until you call EndDialog (). What you want is probably a modeless dialog by CreateDi... 
Posted March 4, 2006 2:36:42 AM
What do you think of this format? To me it is rather intuitive, although if you're going to store a lot of data, consider these ways: Use XML and build a 'XML Editor' - Fast and easy. Use scripting languages (Lua is a good candidate), you'll probably need it later anyway. Use a da... 
Posted March 4, 2006 1:35:04 AM
Drawing Part of a Bitmap Image Is there any reason you want to manually draw them that way ?. Also note that glTexSubImage2D () returns a pointer to the internal texture data, you can read individual pixels then draw them to the screen at will. 
Posted March 4, 2006 12:43:45 AM
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