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Visual C++ express 2005 Linker errors. Help.
Hi guys. I'm trying to compile a c program found in the windows game programming gurus (freakout.cpp) using visual c++ express 2005.
I have downloaded the directx sdk and platform sdk and fixed a few compiling errors and now it compiles but won't... |
Posted December 19, 2005 9:05:33 AM
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Visual C++ express 2005 Linker errors. Help.
I figured it out. This website has an excellent explanation to this problem for noobs like me.
Cheers |
Posted December 19, 2005 10:31:51 AM
Visual C++ express 2005 Linker errors. Help.
I've done that now, but its'still not working, the same error messages are generated. Can I email you the code to see if you can get it to work?
Cheers. |
Posted December 19, 2005 9:29:25 AM
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