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Get to know Little Coding Fox...  
Full Name Nuno Silva
Nickname Little Coding Fox 
State/Province, Country Porto   Portugal
GD Gathering City Matosinhos, Porto, Portugal
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AIM ID gmzexe 
Yahoo IM ID ghostmanzero_exe 
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Job Title Programmer 
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Member Since 4/8/2003 10:47:23 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Iterator crash.. what the hell am i doing wrong here? Greetings, I'm currently working on a casual game and i'm implementing "score modifiers". However, even though i'm correctly using iterators it crashes randomly after a while. I'm not sure why, can somebody please give me a hand? It crashes wit... 
Posted December 20, 2010 6:21:53 PM
How do you test game design concepts without writing everything from scratch? Hey there, I've got a 3D game that is kind of complex, to the point that i _will_ have to write my own technology due to a requirement, which is a custom world editor for users to create worlds to share with other users. As such, i can't use most... 
Posted December 1, 2010 5:11:33 PM
How do you complete ideas? Hey there everyone, I've been having a hard time completing an idea of mine for a game. The general idea is pretty simple, but i have to make a detailed, complete "instruction manual" on how it would work. However, it is quite hard, especially... 
Posted August 25, 2010 1:21:36 PM
Help with WorldBase - an evolving sandbox Greetings, Since i need some help figuring out how to complete the game design of a game i'm working on, WorldBase, i'd like you fellow forum members to take a look at what i've got so far and tell me what you think should be changed/added to i... 
Posted August 26, 2010 6:24:19 AM
[iPhone] Regarding scripts Hello everyone, I've been trying for a while to find some info on this, but i've been unable to find anything that answers my question. I know that apple doesnt allow scripts on their iPhone Apps, because of User Code being run on... 
Posted July 14, 2010 7:44:46 AM
Card Games with Strategy Elements (Magic The Gathering wannabees) Evening, I want to make my own online computer TCG, but i do know that Wizards of the Coast has a patent for card games with strategy elements on 'em (link), and i was wondering, does this mean there's really no hope for me to make a simpl... 
Posted May 13, 2010 6:01:58 PM
WorldBase WIP WorldBase is a a Party Online Role Playing Sandbox (PORPS) i've been working on for one year 7 months and 2 days. In simple terms, a PORPS is a role playing sandbox where you either play online with a small group of friends (1 to 4... 
Posted April 7, 2010 10:50:56 AM
Regarding IOTD posts on large projects Hello everyone, Would you rather have screenshots of a large project on the IOTD in a stage that shows some fancy stuff done, even though the game is not playable yet, or would you rather wait, perhaps a year or two, before one would post... 
Posted April 4, 2010 2:40:02 PM
Designing an Entity system Sorry for yet another Entity Design Thread, but i'm kind of stuck on how to do this. I've never implemented an entity system before, and now's pretty much the time to do it. I've got 3D models working and a stable codebase and rendering syste... 
Posted April 1, 2010 5:53:53 PM
Problem with mutexes Hey there, I've got a library that i want to make thread-safe, so i use a mutex to prevent other threads from accessing delicate data on it. The problem is, sometimes a thread may lock the mutex twice, even if it's the same thread locking the m... 
Posted January 6, 2010 7:02:11 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Iterator crash.. what the hell am i doing wrong here? Quote:Original post by deadstar You can't remove something from a list whilst iterating through it - when "it++" gets evaluated on the next loop, it won't exist! Yes, but i'm assigning a new value to it when i Erase, so that shouldnt be a pr... 
Posted December 20, 2010 6:35:59 PM
How do you test game design concepts without writing everything from scratch? Well, my situation is a bit different from that. For one thing, i've been doing game development-related projects for 8 years now, so this wasnt a random "hey i'm gonna make a RPG and it'll be cool and stuff" moment. Also, i didnt give up all th... 
Posted December 2, 2010 2:49:01 PM
How do you test game design concepts without writing everything from scratch? Quote:Original post by snake5 Don't underestimate the amount of work you're planning to go through. I most certainly dont underestimate the ammount of work i'm planning to go through. I worked on this game for over 2 years from scratch with... 
Posted December 2, 2010 2:32:38 PM
How do you test game design concepts without writing everything from scratch? Quote:Original post by snake5 Btw, I kind of see where he's going with his game. 1 - A big project. 2 - Feature creep. Not quite. I'm not planning on doing a MMORPG or anything similar. Just a 3D RPG with a big enough world, sandboxed. I... 
Posted December 2, 2010 2:21:33 PM
How do you test game design concepts without writing everything from scratch? Quote:Original post by snake5 You should really try to make that engine you want. Today, it's more than possible with all the APIs, libraries and articles available. I tried using OGRE for graphics recently but i had some troubles with a bug wh... 
Posted December 2, 2010 1:07:25 PM
How do you test game design concepts without writing everything from scratch? Mainly because the world editor would be very game-specific. My goal is to write the basic functionality of the game with various ways to extend it, as it is a sandbox-based game, and provide a world editor where players can create and share their ow... 
Posted December 2, 2010 5:54:59 AM
Ways of implementing "research" A very simple way would be for the player to earn combat points per kill regarding armor/weapon research and for more peaceful things, earn science points from purchases and talking with other NPCs or similar. 
Posted August 26, 2010 6:27:22 AM
How do you complete ideas? Quote:Original post by Tom Sloper 1. No. You don't. A GDD is necessary in order to develop a game, not an instruction manual. A GDD is a description for the developers of how you want them to make the game. Well, that's what i meant, i added the... 
Posted August 26, 2010 5:55:53 AM
What Creates A World? On a game i'm working on, i'm going to make beings (NPCs and players) have their own goals and try to do their goals by themselves or by asking other beings for help. They also expand their town/community by making buildings and such as the n... 
Posted July 9, 2010 9:33:51 AM
Are real games made with SDL and Allegro? Quote:Original post by Kwizatz Yeah, that can be a pain with SDL, I remember having to use native functions just to get lowercase or uppercase characters, but this too was quite a while ago. Actually, it's super easy to do that with SFML. There'... 
Posted June 11, 2010 6:12:26 PM
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