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Get to know jixing_alex...  
Full Name Alex Gissing
Nickname jixing_alex 
State/Province, Country Shanghai   China
GD Gathering City Shanghai, Shanghai, China
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ICQ ID 423664521 
AIM ID AlexJixing 
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Current Occupation
Job Title Developer, Designer, Programmer 
Job Description Program a engineer by OpenGL or DirectX 
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Rating 1015  (Rate this user)
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Member Since 1/17/2006 7:57:40 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Render A Block of Cloud in A New Way For detail, visit my homepage - 
Posted October 17, 2007 10:28:26 AM
Render A Block of Cloud in A New Way For detail, visit my homepage - [Edited by - jixing_alex on February 15, 2008 7:30:08 AM] 
Posted October 16, 2007 2:18:48 PM
Who knows the techniques in Nimble 3D Cloud? Hello everyone. Did you look the Nimble 3D Cloud's perview? It is so amazing and in In here, I want discuss it's techniques that is hidden in the program. I also write a program that is to render... 
Posted August 23, 2007 8:45:10 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Center of polygon Below is my way. We propose that all sides of blod is not intersected and the blod don't include any other bold. Firstly, we must calculate three part: the triangles that piece out the blod, the index of triangles, and the normal vector of each poi... 
Posted October 16, 2007 4:00:25 PM
Render A Block of Cloud in A New Way Quote:Original post by think_different Why should we care? You share absolutely nothing about how your technique works on your website, and there are much better looking cloud rendering algorithms already out there published for everyone to use... 
Posted October 16, 2007 3:02:20 PM
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