Some recent topics started on our forums |
[Lua] Accessing external stack in lua_cpcall
I'm using lua_cpcall to wrap C API calls that can throw an error. The problem is, my protected callback is given a stack with only one element: the userdata. I need to access elements from the stack as it was before I called lua_cpcall.
... |
Posted May 18, 2008 11:37:55 AM
Virtual shadow depth cube textures (indirect cube sampling error)
I'm trying to implement virtual cube shadows with GLSL. This requires me to sample texture coordinates for the 2D depth texture from a pre-generated cube map. I've been using GL_HILO16_NV to store the texture coordinates in the cube map. However,... |
Posted August 25, 2007 6:17:28 AM
Compiler detects unaligned access?
I'm writing a BitCopy function that copies a certain amount of data from one pointer and bit offset to another. I'm attempting to copy the data using the machine's native word size (int) rather than bytes whenever possible. I read here that &#... |
Posted May 28, 2007 6:02:29 PM
c++ extern
I'm trying to use a global constant in a C++ program. The constant is defined in one translation unit and accessed in another. Here's the code that I have:
#include <iostream>
#include "extern.hpp"
int main()
std::c... |
Posted January 21, 2007 12:28:09 PM
volatile auto_ptr
I'm using libpng, which uses longjmp, and I want to have my image data in an auto_ptr. The possibility of a longjmp means that I must make this auto_ptr volatile. I'm having some trouble dereferencing this volatile auto_ptr.
#include <memory&... |
Posted November 23, 2006 10:33:35 PM
Vectors wih usual arithmetic conversions
I'm writing a set of math primitive class templates (vectors, matrices, quaternions, and axis-angles). I've been wrestling with whether I should implement transparent support for the usual arithmetic conversions. Through templates, I can find the s... |
Posted October 16, 2006 2:56:03 PM
using declaration access with templates
Why is it that the using declaration maintains the protected access of v...
struct B
int v[3];
struct D : B
using B::v;
int main()
D d;
d.v[0] = 0;
return 0;
...but as soon as I add temp... |
Posted October 14, 2006 1:53:58 PM
mem_fun with inheritance
I'm trying to convert a void ()(void) member function for a derived class to a functor which takes a base class pointer as its parameter. I figured this should be possible since the derived member function is really void ()(Derived *). I'm expectin... |
Posted September 30, 2006 1:51:47 PM
Configuration systems
I'm rethinking the implementation of my configuration system and I thought I'd fish for opinions and ideas. I haven't found much on gamedev.net about such systems, probably because their generally pretty simple. If you could give a general ove... |
Posted May 27, 2006 11:59:42 AM
Overloaded conversion and std::cout
I've written a class template for wrapping around configuration variables. The class holds a private instance of the underlying variable type. It also has a couple of conversion operators to make it look like the underlying type. However, when cal... |
Posted May 4, 2006 3:48:44 PM
View All Topics Started By This User
Some recent replies made on our forums |
Coroutines in C
I was looking into the same thing recently. This series of articles might be of interest. The second page presents the idea of using Win32 Fibers to implement coroutines. Apparantly the idea has been successfully applied to Lua, allowing one... |
Posted May 20, 2008 12:19:12 AM
The other desktop thread... [56k suicide]
1152x768 |
Posted January 15, 2008 5:51:25 PM
How old are you?
25, programming professionally for -n months. [wink] |
Posted January 9, 2008 8:58:17 PM
How You Started Game Development? Tell Us Your Story!
~1993: GW-Basic and QBasic, copying code out of books from the library, with some trial and error coding.
From then on: Turbo Pascal 7 -> Turbo Assembler 5.0 -> Borland C++ 5.0 -> C++ Builder 3 -> MSVC 7.0 -> GCC.
I made a c... |
Posted January 8, 2008 9:13:46 PM
POLL: What do you develop on? And what language?
Windows XP and Ubuntu, C++ and Python |
Posted January 6, 2008 5:12:39 PM
Journal Images Of 2007 (56k no way!)
Really good idea! Now I can see all of the images that I missed. I would say you should generate thumbnails, but then you would have to host them somewhere and I can imagine the bandwidth would be high.
I appear to be missing as well. [sad] |
Posted January 5, 2008 11:07:39 AM
[Solved] Global shared_ptr
Not to nitpick, but I think you mean abort; exit will still call destructors. |
Posted January 4, 2008 9:16:45 PM
Poetic Justice!
Ok. |
Posted January 4, 2008 9:11:06 PM
smoothing fonts with wglUseFontOutlines
Try using GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH, but with blending enabled. I seem to remember blending being necessary for it to work. |
Posted January 1, 2008 11:58:52 PM
Problems with 1portfolio?
Looks like I jumped ship just in time! I was getting those disk-space errors too, as well as various instances of downtime. |
Posted December 20, 2007 12:39:13 PM
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