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Nickname poofycheeks 
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GD Gathering City Vancouver, WA, United States
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Member Since 6/16/2009 3:26:12 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
We're coming home! Hey! I just added earth into my game! So thought I might share some screenshots with you guys :) It's a fleet sim / space shooter using WASD + mouse (kind of like FPS games) Earth is made up of Mesh, 2 Color Maps for night and day, Normal Ma... 
Posted August 24, 2009 12:47:41 PM
Fleet Simulation AI Hi, I have a space shooter game that's currently using a Finite State Machine type of logic. Every ship has a priority queue of nearby enemies. The ship grabs the closest one then tries to kill the target. The game is visually 3D however the gam... 
Posted August 16, 2009 7:03:18 AM
Slipstream online! The gate is a mesh + some quad particles :) 
Posted August 16, 2009 9:21:34 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
We're coming home! I can get 300 max on my NV 8400M GS on normal settings If I turn on bloom + get a tons of ships, it'd drop to 30-60fps but still playable. Also sound is a huge factor, and managing them wisely on a game this level is needed.... 
Posted August 26, 2009 7:28:11 PM
We're coming home! Hehe you're absolutely right. My friend made those models, and textured them. I help out sometimes with the glow layers but that's about it. I'm planning on adding clouds onto that so it should look a little better. 
Posted August 24, 2009 11:50:21 PM
Fleet Simulation AI Ahhh thanks for the input! So what about for squad tactics and fleet strategy? How do you think I should do those? I'm currently thinking of just coding that logic in. I've watched videos about self-learning AI's. Those seem very interesting bu... 
Posted August 18, 2009 5:45:31 PM
Slipstream online! Haha I didn't expect such an interest so I just wrote down some basic stuff. The game's a space shooter / fleet sim. There's no real background to it since I've focused mainly on coding the engine. I'm using the XNA wrapper for DirectX. T... 
Posted August 18, 2009 11:40:05 AM
Slipstream online! Thanks! Oh really? I didn't know that. I heard it from Andromeda the TV show. Check out the website for videos :) 
Posted August 17, 2009 1:27:29 AM
Slipstream online! Thanks! My website is at: :) 
Posted August 16, 2009 10:54:17 PM
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