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Get to know ehsan2004...  
Full Name Ehsan Kamrani
Nickname ehsan2004 
State/Province, Country Markazi   Iran
GD Gathering City Arkawi, Markazi, Iran
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Current Occupation
Job Title Zehne Ziba Managing Director 
Job Description Manager/Programmer 
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Member Since 8/15/2005 8:52:38 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Should I create a new project? Hi there I have created an editor with MFC using microsoft vc++ 2005. Now I want to publish a level. The problem is that there are a lot of buttons and extra things in my project.Should I create a new Win32 project and copy some of my codes in my ne... 
Posted January 3, 2011 10:03:44 PM
how to switch between different texture points of the FBO Assuming that a FBO has 2 texture attached to its color bit( GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT and GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1_EXT ) how to switch between different texture points of the FBO? I have created 2 textures and attached them to the FBO: glGenTextures(... 
Posted December 31, 2010 2:32:23 PM
How to render to textures for N times someone had asked my question before. So How can I do this effect using FBOs: 
Posted December 31, 2010 1:27:50 PM
I have problem with Glow effect and pBuffers I have asked this question in OpenGL forum: problem with Glow effect and pBuffers I hope that people can help me and solve my problems best regards -Ehsan- 
Posted December 31, 2010 5:24:13 AM
simulating water( basic question) Hi I'm really confused why I can't find a good article about simulating the water ( with refraction and reflection ) using GLSL? I have read an article about it here: Realistic Water Using Bump Mapping and Refraction But the source code is n... 
Posted April 23, 2010 8:52:13 AM
MFC naming convention Where to find a reference about naming convention in MFC? Specially I want to name the variables of the edit and combo boxes. so what prefix should I use for them? Thanks 
Posted April 12, 2010 12:33:01 AM
VC2005 produces old style gui ! I have created a MFC project and GUI was ok at first. I added many lines of code ( including loading the Collada format, adding Shaders , etc ). Now when I add a button for example, It's shape is like windows 98 buttons! The buttons use XP style... 
Posted April 10, 2010 1:22:58 PM
DPI issues while using bitmap buttons in MFC Hi Are there any ways to stretch the bitmaps when we use larger DPIs? I usually create the suitable bitmaps for my own DPI settings ( I set the DPI to 120 ), but other users may use different DPIs and then the bitmap buttons are not shown properly.... 
Posted April 11, 2010 3:02:59 AM
incorrect specular while using normal map Hello I'm wondering why I get incorrect specular for the floor while I use normal map ( The model has loaded from a collada DAE file ). Note that in the following photos, I have used a point light which is in the middle of the room( Above all the... 
Posted April 6, 2010 11:45:19 PM
row major vs.column major If we send a row major matrix to glMultMatrix() and again get the matrix using glGet() function, we get the same matrix. For example 12th, 13th and 14th elements always consist of translation elements for both row major and column major matrices. Bu... 
Posted March 27, 2010 4:30:06 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Should I create a new project? So I must create a new Win32 project...It's not a good news for me. However my code is not messy. Everything has its own class. For example,to manage the glow effect, I have created a class called CGlow. Everything has its own class,So copying the co... 
Posted January 4, 2011 8:21:13 PM
Should I create a new project? I mean I want to create a executable file in full screen, So users can play the game. I have saved the level in a binary format. But it's just an editor and it's not in full screen mode. It has 4 viewports with a menu and some buttons. Have you seen... 
Posted January 4, 2011 11:06:46 AM
Should I create a new project? It's a game engine editor. What do you mean from "what kind"? 
Posted January 4, 2011 3:30:37 AM
how to switch between different texture points of the FBO here's my actual question: but I didn't get the answer In summery, I have a texture, I want to blur it for N times using a shader and blend it with the sc... 
Posted December 31, 2010 3:16:00 PM
simulating water( basic question) I found a good article here: Here's the algorithm: Draw a quad as water surface rendered in three stages 1)Render reflection and store it as texture 2)Rend... 
Posted April 23, 2010 6:19:56 PM
simulating water( basic question) Thanks, but it also simulate the waves using the formulas. I need a simpler approach and just need to use a normal map and a du/dv map to simulate the water effect. I don't need to deal with the actual waves. It seems that some powerful engines suc... 
Posted April 23, 2010 12:14:33 PM
VC2005 produces old style gui ! Here's the correct #pragma which doesn't produce any warnings: #pragma comment(linker,"/manifestdependency:\"type='win32' name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' processorArchitecture='*' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' langua... 
Posted April 11, 2010 7:19:32 AM
VC2005 produces old style gui ! Quote:Original post by KittyRa Another link with some of the same stuff. But it also has this tidbit if you don't want to bother with the manifest file (not sure if there are any downsides to this): #pragma comment(linker,"/manifestdependency:\"... 
Posted April 11, 2010 4:54:42 AM
VC2005 produces old style gui ! OK, First of all I'm wondering why everything seems to be OK without adding the new files. I have even created a project called Cal3DViewer( available at sourceforge ) and didn't use this manifest file and everything was fine. I followed the sect... 
Posted April 11, 2010 1:39:33 AM
VC2005 produces old style gui ! I followed its instructions, but it didn't solve my problem. I again created an MFC application and just added the files of my project to the new project. Again the problem appears after adding the files. Those files don't deal with MFC commands ,... 
Posted April 10, 2010 6:01:28 PM
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