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Full Name Geoff Dunbar
Nickname gdunbar 
State/Province, Country CA   United States
GD Gathering City Mill Valley, CA, United States
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Member Since 2/22/2006 3:31:06 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
To The World Tree V5 (Beta) - Single-player RPG Hi all, To The World Tree is a game I put together for the IGF competition based on the engine I've been working on for the past year. It didn't do well in the IGF (not a finalist or anything), but I've been having fun working on it... 
Posted February 14, 2008 4:40:07 PM
RPG Interface Help Hey all, I've started to get some feedback on my RPG "To The World Tree" (website, and the interface has taken some bashing. Not surprising, since I did the interface in MFC as the easiest way to get a functiona... 
Posted December 4, 2007 5:16:29 PM
To The World Tree V4 (Beta) - Single-player RPG Hi all, To The World Tree is a game I put together for the IGF competition based on the engine I've been working on for the past year. I wasn't really planning to release this V4, but I've made so many good fixes that I couldn't help mys... 
Posted December 2, 2007 12:19:17 PM
Direct3D light limit So, it seems that everyone "knows" that Direct3D has a limit of 8 lights. And sure enough, all the video cards that I have (2) allow 8 lights. (Though in software vertex processing mode they allow infinite lights, which isn't surprising). However,... 
Posted November 20, 2007 7:22:23 PM
RPG - Low Level Representation Hey all, In my role-playing game engine, I have defined things such that a character of five levels higher than another is basically twice as powerful. So, a level 10 character can fight two level 5 characters with a 50% chance of success. I'm hap... 
Posted October 24, 2007 9:11:23 PM
To The World Tree V3 (Beta) - Single-player RPG Hi all, To The World Tree is a game I put together for the IGF competition based on the engine I've been working on for the past year. I'm quite happy with this V3 release, which has the last big changes I'm planning to make. Website:... 
Posted October 28, 2007 3:30:15 PM
To The World Tree Hi all, To The World Tree is a game I put together for the IGF competition based on the engine I've been working on for the past year. Website: PR Blurb In To the World Tree you control first a l... 
Posted October 4, 2007 10:37:01 AM
To The World Tree V2 (Beta) Hi all, To The World Tree is a game I put together for the IGF competition based on the engine I've been working on for the past year. I'm releasing this V2 with a few added features and quite a few bug-fixes from the initial release abo... 
Posted October 20, 2007 1:12:28 PM
To The World Tree V1 (Beta) Hi all, To The World Tree is a game I put together for the IGF competition based on the engine I've been working on for the past year. Website: PR Blurb In To the World Tree you control first... 
Posted October 4, 2007 4:17:04 PM
Making characters "stand out" in a 3D world Hey all, This probably verges on an art direction question, but I think it's a Game Design question too, and I'm not an artist. In a 3D graphic world, how do you ensure that the characters stand out from the background? My particular inter... 
Posted May 9, 2007 2:33:47 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
How to rename std::vector? Quote:Original post by yahastu Sometimes I find it helpful to #define something in a header, and this is safe to do without polluting external code if you just #undef it at the end of the header. Well, not quite safe; you could potentially stomp... 
Posted February 16, 2009 6:06:39 PM
"Languages" within games I remember playing the game "Robot Odyssey" as a kid, a long time ago. And look, WikiPedia knows about it too: It was a neat game; you had to navigate a series of levels using a set of robots. I don't... 
Posted January 8, 2009 5:16:53 PM
Beginning Programmer: Which of these is the preferred coding method? (C++) Note that each "cout <<" generates a function call when running, whereas if you do the multiple line concatenation, the compiler will put the string together, and make just one function call. And making a function call has some cost associ... 
Posted December 18, 2008 7:53:47 PM
Simple gravity between 2 masses taby and -Greywolf- have done a nice job of summing up realistic, physically accurate gravity. However, if you're making something like a 2D arcade game, accurate gravity can drop off too quickly. Meaning when mass 2 is close to mass 1, it will ge... 
Posted December 12, 2008 7:00:59 PM
Looking for particular tips on good programming practice As someone else recommended, the book "Code Complete" is a good source of style and practice information, with explanations. I don't agree with everything in there perfectly, but I would be happy to work on a project that followed his recom... 
Posted December 4, 2008 2:35:58 PM
Moving object Hi, The functions sin() and cos() take the angle in radians, not in degrees. To convert from degrees to radians, divide by 180.0 and multiply by pi. If you want to know more about radians, Wikipedia has a long article (that I didn't read): h... 
Posted November 29, 2008 12:00:20 PM
Game programmer Interview question Quote:Original post by Martin Personally as an interviewer I'd be far more interested in discussing possible techniques to solve the problem than any actual code produced. Perhaps for a junior position I would want to see code but for regular and se... 
Posted November 27, 2008 4:44:06 PM
Writing a Compiler for a Simple Programming Language Quote:Original post by Zmurf A year or so ago I developed this little esoteric programming language and wrote two interpreters for it, one in C and one in Python. Now I want to write a Compiler for it, but I'm struggling to find much helpf... 
Posted October 27, 2008 5:06:35 PM
Black screen in Release build Quote:Original post by ministe2003 I can build in debug mode and run it fine, within Visual Studio and just by running the debug exe. When in debug mode, it builds fine in Visual Studio and also runs fine in Visual Studio, however if I try to run... 
Posted October 27, 2008 4:40:46 PM
Small Tetris Question Quote:Original post by DarkZlayer I'm curious if you can give me an idea for a more effective way to go about drawing the blocks that are already down. My current idea is to have a spot an array to correspond with a specific row and column. And... 
Posted October 22, 2008 7:13:35 PM
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