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Member Since 2/16/2007 9:58:35 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Flex Ok, a bit of history first: I've been working with Java and C/C++ for a while, and I amb some of this "free software" fans, but just right now I'm considering to use Flash/Flex for a project (well, is not a project where I work alone, there are mo... 
Posted March 26, 2010 10:28:00 AM
Abpchess This is a progect we made for university. The full team was 5 peaplo and we spend a semester with it (of curse, it wasn't the only thing we did in that semester...). This was the first 3D project to many of us, so we're proud of it. The objec... 
Posted July 5, 2009 2:07:15 PM
GPL / No GPL Hello all. First, I don't really know where write this post. Really. If you thing it might be better in another forum, well... I'll rewrite it or whatever is necessary. So... I decidet to GPL my "game engine". I have my reasons, so not try t... 
Posted July 13, 2009 4:20:05 PM
ARB_occlusion_query Hello. I'm currently doing some classes of game programming and we're using DirectX. But I'll want to make amateur games multi-platform, so I try to do everything in home in OpenGL. So, I just learned how to do occlusion tests in DirectX, and... 
Posted April 12, 2008 10:25:46 AM
LuaJava and Jython Hello. I'm planning to develop some kind of engine in Java (basicaly for it's multiplatform capabilities, and the fact that's far more easy than C++), I've already choosen LWJGL for grafic, input, sound... handling, but I'm stuck in deciding 2 thi... 
Posted April 5, 2008 6:00:34 PM
Cal3D and GLSL Hello. I'm trying to handle animation with Cal3D, but doing it by CPU is sloooooooow. So I'll want to understand how to do it throught vertex shaders. I've found some ¿Cg? Implementation in the examples, but I don't know the language. BTW, do y... 
Posted October 29, 2007 6:44:59 PM
Problem with templates [C++] template <class Vehicle> class Manager2D { public: typedef std::map<int,std::multimap<int,Vehicle*>> MapaVehicles; typedef std::map<int,std::multimap<int,Vehicle*>>::iterator IteradorMapaVehicles2; }; ... 
Posted October 27, 2007 4:54:47 PM
Some VC2005 Questions Hello. I have some questions to optimize my project. The think is that I can code what I want well (or so I think), but there are some detals I still miss. I think thats because I've only learned C++, not how to use the IDE. So... How c... 
Posted October 14, 2007 4:32:35 PM
GLSL cel-shading Hello I found how to render using cel-shading ( but there were some thinks in the algorithm that i didn't completly like. 1- You have to paint 2 timers every primitive. 2- You h... 
Posted October 12, 2007 10:37:18 AM
Triggers and cell-space particioning I'm trying to write the trigger system of my game and I've got some trouble. The think is that i don't want to try EVERY Trigger agains EVERY enemy unit. So I found somethink called cell-space particioning. It's abaout dividing the map i cells and... 
Posted September 29, 2007 7:15:58 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Building a language - Generic type system Are you trying to do a new Programming Language/Scripting Language? In that case I have to warn you, it is VERY hard (I'm doing it right now for my thesis). But if you're interested in something game-oriented, you can get an inspiration from Dunge... 
Posted January 6, 2011 1:50:59 PM
UDP Fragmentation As said, UDP does not fragment or re-organize the packets in any way. It can deliver them duplicaded, in the wrong order, both of them, or not at all, but it will not mess with theyr contend. I thing that you should try to send "less" packets. 60p... 
Posted June 24, 2010 6:36:50 AM
How can Javascript "talk" with custom server? If it is, I don't know it. As far as I know, javascript is able to download a web resource on demand using AJAX. That web resource can be created in any way, but the more "practical" are php or other scripts. That also means that the clie... 
Posted June 20, 2010 5:20:31 AM
How can Javascript "talk" with custom server? For what you seem to want, the better may be: * Web page with javascript using AJAX (google that) to read info from php-generated pages (you can also make them with Ruby, Python...) * Custom client/ flash client/ Java client... Anyway, you... 
Posted June 19, 2010 4:59:57 PM
OpenGL matrices - how do they work? note that: T(A * B) = T(B) * T(A) where T(A) is the transpose of A. So, in general... try to reverse the order o just transpose the final result until you get what you whant. note that if A represents a rotation, B a translation and V a v... 
Posted June 14, 2010 1:24:47 PM
Thinking about making some kind of space 4X I don't like to mix "simultaneous turns" with "real-time battles", they don't have great synergy (the time you gain from simturns are lost simuling the battles). On a side note, I've watched bab5 just to take some ideas for a 4X space game. But I... 
Posted June 11, 2010 5:11:53 PM
So you say C++ sucks? What else can I use? I agree on the "Java" choice. I used LWJGL for rendering and it's good enought. Recently I changed to JOGL, wich has a "cleaner" way of doing some tinks, but I recommend both. 
Posted April 22, 2010 9:22:39 AM
Flex Thank you all, I think I can get my way from here. P.S.: Yes, I'd readed the wikipedia entry. 
Posted March 27, 2010 3:13:26 PM
Turn-Based Arena Combat Game Looking for a Programmer Looks interesting... I'll sned a mail to to see what you have. BTW, I'm a proficient programmer of Java, PHP and SQL (That will be the main tecnologies if you choose me). I also know C/C++, python and other stuff. 
Posted March 8, 2010 1:00:58 PM
Understanding Neural Net Programs Essentially, NN are a bunch of algorithms that try to learn patterns with 2 main objectives: classification and function emulation. Classification means that you have some data (points, secuences of DNA, whathever) and you whant to distinguish bet... 
Posted February 11, 2010 11:56:26 AM
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