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Member Since 9/26/2005 5:59:31 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Normal Mapped Quake 3 I wrote this Quake 3 renderer from scratch and added per-pixel lighting with generated normal maps from the nvidia normal map generator tool. 
Posted November 2, 2005 9:02:53 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Game engine running Really sluggish. You should try to freeze your simulation so that the render loop still refreshes but the code doesnt update the particle simulation to see if your bottleneck is CPU or GPU. 
Posted November 22, 2005 6:34:21 PM
can bsp be used for map file formats ? map files are ascii files used by quake level editors to hold the geometry created by the user. the map file is then compiled into a binary .bsp file which is used by the game as world data. 
Posted November 17, 2005 1:38:16 PM
Portal engine and Stencil Shadows Idea Quote:Original post by Zemedelec Quote:Original post by godmodder This technique has been used by John Carmack for years. And he certainly isn't the only one... Very interesting - where he uses that technique? Since not single ... 
Posted November 17, 2005 1:35:12 PM
Occlusion: thou shalt not cull Quote:Original post by mikeman Not being geometry limited doesn't mean you don't have to cull. A game with mediocre culling running at 60 FPS with 100K triangles onscreen and 4 lights for each primitive is not geometry limited. Another game wit... 
Posted November 17, 2005 1:25:28 PM
Writing member variable to a text file why dont u do: int something = pEnemySprite->GetChromosome(); set a break point to see if "something" has the correct value before deciding if it's fstream doing something wrong or your code. 
Posted November 8, 2005 2:21:59 PM
lightmap tool I believe 3dmax already has this feature.. just set up some lights and use the "bake to texture" feature 
Posted November 7, 2005 7:54:27 PM
File Compression in Madden NFL 06 PC Quote:Original post by Nza You mean by looking at mainapp.exe ? No such line like that exists. Plenty of references to D3D do, just not that one. look at the game executable and intercept any D3D calls to texture surface creation (they mus... 
Posted November 4, 2005 6:18:39 PM
File Compression in Madden NFL 06 PC Can you try to hook the d3d function D3DXCreateTextureFromFileExW() or one of the equivalents to find out what format is being loaded? 
Posted November 4, 2005 1:08:16 AM
File Compression in Madden NFL 06 PC I dont know anything about hacking..but could you try modifying the header file in one of the images and running Madden.. *hopefully* if it crashes when trying to read the file you can debug from there 
Posted November 3, 2005 12:01:42 PM
Normal Mapped Quake 3 Quote:Original post by SirKnight Looks pretty cool. Now why don't you take the Quake 3 engine source that was just released and add bumpmapping to it so you can play a game like that. ;) I did this same thing a few years ago, although mine had so... 
Posted November 2, 2005 4:32:05 PM
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