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Get to know drslinky1500...  
Full Name Greg Tedder
Nickname drslinky1500 
State/Province, Country AR   United States
GD Gathering City Mena, AR, United States
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Member Since 11/16/2005 5:34:18 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Aeges Road in 3D-ish Aeges Road is a 2D game idea I am currently moving to 3D. This is an old game project of mine getting a serious facelift. It is still in the early stages of re-development. Grid based tactical combat and a mix of wRPG, jRPG, and PnP RPG are the goals... 
Posted November 27, 2009 5:01:58 PM
Aeges Road - RPG - Alpha Testers Needed! Aeges Road is currently in an early alpha test. Art is still partial but most of the game is working. Any feedback would be appreciated. It works on Windows and Mac. Website: All links are there, a... 
Posted March 3, 2008 9:56:37 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Looking for some isometric art help Have you looked at this program?  
Posted March 3, 2008 9:35:02 PM
Tiles with different heights A trick I used was to use multiple isometric grids. The main grid was the visible grid that showed height. Each tile kept a variable defining its height. For instance, a height of 2 had a 16 pixel Y offset compared to a tile with a base height of 0.... 
Posted March 3, 2008 9:30:57 PM
Linux: A European threat to our computers (FOR GOD, FREEDOM AND GEORGE W. BUSH) The article is pretty funny. Logically looking at this, if linux wasn't available, they would find a way to pirate on Windows. I believe the most popular ripper for Playstation titles ran on windows, not linux. I have been using linu... 
Posted April 27, 2006 4:03:04 PM
Making executable java code?? A jar can be executable, on both windows and macintosh by double clicking on the jar file. This is done via the manifest file. For proof of concept you can download a demo of my program at, install it, and exec... 
Posted April 27, 2006 10:04:55 AM
Which OS do you prefer for OpenGL development? I prefer linux. I usually use anjuta IDE, but sometimes run kdevelop (they are both free), depends on whether I am running in gnome or kde at the time. Linux comes with a lot of monitoring tools by default, and I have had little trouble with an... 
Posted November 16, 2005 5:42:37 PM
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