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Graphical Rogue-Likes?
I am a fairly experianced 2D Tile/Sprite Artist and Musical Composer and I was wondering if anyone was or is or will be making a Graphical Rogue-Like or Hack and Slash and would like some help on the Artsy Side. I’ve already got... |
Posted May 3, 2004 3:08:08 PM
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Programmer for hire -- seeking ambitious (M)MORPG!
Interesting . . . |
Posted January 29, 2005 9:54:16 AM
2d turn-based strategy game, help needed!
Heyo, I can help you out by spicing up the visual stuff. Send me a list of all the 16*16 tiles you need. ;) My Aim is Draffurd. |
Posted December 31, 2004 10:39:28 AM
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