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Nickname CaptainDeathbeard 
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Job Title Hobo 
Job Description Poverty wallowing and game design 
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Member Since 4/9/2007 12:58:57 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Kenshi - A free roaming squad based RPG Quote:Kenshi is a free-roaming Role-Playing Real-Time Strategy. Its squad-based, meaning you have a whole team of characters who can split up and go to different ends of the world. The game world is 400 square km of seamless terrain with a world map... 
Posted April 7, 2010 10:52:52 AM
Background thread just... vanishes I have a background thread running in my game, and my problem is it just vanishes after the first few seconds. I'm on a dual core windows XP machine. class ThreadClass { protected: HANDLE threadHandle; DWORD threadID; public: ... 
Posted November 6, 2009 11:17:05 AM
Kenshi - An open ended squad-based RPG Quote:Kenshi is a free-roaming Role-Playing Real-Time Strategy. Its squad-based, meaning you have a whole team of characters who can split up and go to different ends of the world. The game world is 400 square km of seamless terrain with a world map... 
Posted May 19, 2009 12:36:41 AM
Multithreading in a game & boost I'm just starting to take some little steps into multi-threading for my game, and I'm new to multi-threaded programming. I am restricted by my renderer and physics engine that all require to be called from the main thread, I only intend to put... 
Posted August 28, 2009 11:34:47 AM
Kenshi - An open ended squad-based RPG Quote:Kenshi is a free-roaming Role-Playing Real-Time Strategy. Its squad-based, meaning you have a whole team of characters who can split up and go to different ends of the world. The game world is 400 square km of seamless terrain with a world map... 
Posted August 29, 2008 10:49:49 AM
profit-sharing with indie projects I know most indie projects have this setup. That everyone works on the game for free, and shares the profits up if it is published. As an idea its great, but I don't know how to do it, how to divide fairly and the legal side. Particularly w... 
Posted June 30, 2008 12:04:55 PM
Advice on running an indie team I wanted to ask for peoples advice on running an unpaid net-based indie team. Obviously its the hardest type of team to control and motivate, and most of them just disintegrate pretty quickly. I want to ask for tips and ideas from both team le... 
Posted February 24, 2008 11:56:35 AM
Scythe Physics Editor This is my physics editor Scythe. It basically allows artists to assemble physical entities like vehicles, ragdolls, structures, rather than the programmers generating them programatically, which is just stupid. It can support any physics engine... 
Posted April 9, 2007 6:54:31 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Kenshi - A free roaming squad based RPG Thanks for all the positive comments! ashaman: It would be fun to add explosives in there, malazan books style, but balancing the combat system is hard enough as it is sylinc: The cracks are just a good texture, though i still need to add... 
Posted April 10, 2010 8:04:39 AM
Background thread just... vanishes Ah thanks, I am still new to threading and never noticed that thread window before. It seems it deadlocked itself. I think I can fix it now, thanks. 
Posted November 6, 2009 11:48:38 AM
Multithreading in a game & boost Thanks for all the helpful replies. Basically the main reason I want a background thread, other than loading resources, is because I have a large world and a heavy AI, so I thought I could put all the "far away" AI's and pathing in a background thr... 
Posted August 29, 2009 7:59:35 AM
Kenshi - An open ended squad-based RPG Hey thats quite a compliment. I'm a single-handed programmer, everything you see so far was done by myself only, a lot of the art is heavily modified stock-art.  
Posted May 24, 2009 10:00:38 AM
Kenshi - An open ended squad-based RPG Thanks for your advice, Dark sylinc, its still far from finished and there are no buildings yet but I will do what I can to fill it out as much as possible. I have taken the motion blur shader out for now, although it looked nice in the right circum... 
Posted May 19, 2009 12:18:44 PM
Blended/Combined animations in FPS games If I follow correctly, you mean when 2 or more characters combine animations, or a character interacts accurately with the environment? I find this a little tricky too. The most common way I think is to actually animate the 2 characters together... 
Posted February 12, 2009 4:57:11 PM
hit'n'recover tactic in RPGs I am doing something like this actually, where the downtime is an integral part of the gameplay. I'm making a squad-based RPG, and characters get different types of wounds in different bodyparts etc. So at the end of a hefty battle, you may have a... 
Posted February 12, 2009 3:11:58 PM
Kenshi - An open ended squad-based RPG Lol, it doesn't just make fat chicks. Its kind of like oblivion's face editor, but for the whole body. 
Posted August 30, 2008 7:08:29 AM
profit-sharing with indie projects Thanks for the link. Presumably this applies to self-publishing, but would not be such a problem if you landed a commercial publisher with a marketing department?  
Posted July 11, 2008 5:05:31 AM
profit-sharing with indie projects Thanks for both your replies. kipple - Shares are an actual ownership of part of the company itself, whereas royalties are just a percentage of profits earned on that one product. Hence why frob advised me to be careful of my wording.... 
Posted July 10, 2008 3:36:11 PM
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