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Nickname jskelton 
State/Province, Country KS   United States
GD Gathering City Lawrence, KS, United States
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Member Since 1/29/2007 4:02:00 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Trouble In CloudLand Trouble In CloudLand is a 2D game that features star-shooting mayhem and powerup collecting goodness. Conquer three unique worlds populated by troops of loveable but devious foes. Simple controls put you right i... 
Posted January 29, 2007 9:09:23 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Trouble In CloudLand Trouble in CloudLand has been updated to version 1.1! Just a few fixes: *Game can now run in windowed mode. *Menu is navigable with the mouse(improved). *Mouse has adjustable sensitivity. *Fixed bug when no sound card was present. 
Posted March 27, 2007 4:26:58 PM
Trouble In CloudLand Trouble In CloudLand runs at 1024 x 768. Unfortunately you cannot change the screen resolution. 
Posted January 31, 2007 3:46:23 PM
Trouble In CloudLand Each world is 4 Levels. Each level is 4 stages. Each stage should last 15 seconds(really arbitratry, just to let you know that you are progressing). I am not sure why it went back to stage 2 though... Thanks for the information, I will certainly... 
Posted January 30, 2007 12:22:09 PM
Trouble In CloudLand Silly me, I forgot to tell you where to get it! Thank you for your kind words! We worked really hard to make something enjoyable. 
Posted January 30, 2007 10:31:01 AM
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