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State/Province, Country Toscana   Italy
GD Gathering City Pisa, Toscana, Italy
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Member Since 7/22/2007 4:31:29 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Maestro 3D Dental/Desktop Scanner is now available Maestro 3D Dental/Desktop Scanner is now availablePosted by: AGE3D at September 5, 2008 2:16:20 PMMaestro 3D is a Three-dimensional scanner for dental and desktop applications, open and integrable in third party CAD/CAM solutions, complete with S.D... 
Posted September 5, 2008 8:16:20 AM
AGE UI Editor v1.0.0.0 Beta OpenGL API-based user interface editor for AGE3D Engine AGE3D is a 3D software development kit for Windows for developing graphicals applications with multithread support built on top of the OpenGL or Direct3D API. It offers automatic resource management, a scene graph support and an highly configura... 
Posted September 28, 2007 9:43:24 AM
AGE3D Engine - New Video GUI3D Demo Age3D is pleased to show a video introducing some of the new functionalities provided by Age3D interface graphic system. The video shows how it is possible to use GUI's elements in 3D space and to interact with them just like any other 3D scene obje... 
Posted August 2, 2007 11:31:44 AM - Gui3D Demo - OpenGL/Direct3D API-based AGE is a 3D software development kit for Windows for developing graphicals applications with multithread support built on top of the OpenGL or Direct3D API. It offers automatic resource management, a scene graph support and an highly configurabl... 
Posted July 23, 2007 9:38:05 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
AGE UI Editor v1.0.0.0 Beta OpenGL API-based user interface editor for AGE3D Engine Yes, It's true, some icon are similar to QT, in future release it will be changed. 
Posted September 30, 2007 9:56:12 AM
AGE UI Editor v1.0.0.0 Beta OpenGL API-based user interface editor for AGE3D Engine Yes, AGE 3D is a suite of programs not just a 3d engine. Actually it is in development stage and now it is not opensource. Best regards, AGE 3D Team. 
Posted September 28, 2007 11:17:19 AM
AGE3D Engine - New Video GUI3D Demo Within the end of the year we must have a alpha/beta version available for the download. Andrea AGE3D Team 
Posted August 6, 2007 3:26:13 AM
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