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Get to know damix911...  
Full Name Dario D'Amico
Nickname damix911 
State/Province, Country Toscana   Italy
GD Gathering City Firenze, Toscana, Italy
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Member Since 1/2/2008 8:34:01 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Looks like NORMAL semantic causes an exception in Visual Studio Hello guys, I must have some sort of magnet for this kind of error. I have the following code in my effect: uniform float4x4 w; uniform float4x4 wv; uniform float4x4 wvp; uniform float4x4 wvpToTex; uniform float4 lightPositionsW[4]; uniform... 
Posted September 2, 2010 3:49:38 AM
D3D11 Shader reflection Hi guys! I'm not being able to retrieve reflection info from my compute shader. I have the following C++ code: ID3D11ComputeShader *compute; hr = d3dDevice->CreateComputeShader( bytecode->GetBufferPointer(), bytecode->GetBuf... 
Posted March 8, 2010 8:54:00 PM
D3D11 on downlevel hardware [SOLVED] Hi everybody, from what I read, it looks like D3D11 interfaces works on D3D10 class devices; I have a GeForce G210 which supposedly is a 10.1 device and I'm trying to convert a very simple working application I wrote yesterday for D3D10 to... 
Posted January 16, 2010 9:29:35 AM
D3D10 input signatures Hi everybody! I recently changed my graphic card and started experimenting with D3D10; I have a question about input signatures. The book I have recommends a code similar to this in order to retrieve the input signature: effectTechnique = e... 
Posted January 14, 2010 9:39:52 AM
Water Simulation and Rendering Hi everybody! I'm a computer science engineering student in Firenze, Italy; exactly one week ago, on the 27th of november, we held in our university a workshop on computer graphics and game development. Everything was organized by stud... 
Posted December 4, 2009 6:21:19 PM
Color is affecting texture samping in Visual Studio with HAL Hi guys, I need your help! I am developing a grass shader, with a technique based on this article. A screenshoot. The shader I'm writing is not based on their code, however; I started it from scratch. My theoretical preparation o... 
Posted October 18, 2008 9:19:38 PM
DirectX 9 without HWND Hi everyone, I'm trying to write a simple GPGPU application and ideally I don't need to output anything to the screen. I just want to set an effect, set the input data (some textures) and render everything to the output data (another texture, not the... 
Posted October 6, 2008 5:08:43 PM
Normal mapping and standard lighting model Hi everybody! I have an answer on the rendering process in DirectX 9 without using shaders. I'm using the following code to perform the so called Dot3 normal mapping. Note that standard DirectX lighting is off. d3dDevice->SetTexture(0, n... 
Posted January 22, 2008 2:23:40 PM
Adding info in the alpha channel Hi everybody! I would like to do alpha blending by loading alpha information from a separate image. I have a blood stain named "blood.jpg" and I want to make it transparent accordingly to the brightness of "blood-alpha.jpg", of the same size. That is... 
Posted January 2, 2008 2:20:13 PM
DirectX texture blending problem Hi everybody! I'm new to DirectX programming, and I'm trying to do a really simple texture blend effect. My graphic card is a GeForce 7600 GT, drivers are version and DirectX is 9.0c with SDK April 2007 DirectX detects these capabilities,... 
Posted January 2, 2008 8:45:45 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
The question about DirectCompute and OpenCL. Hi shiqiu1105, I just want to add that DirectX 11 interfaces can be used on so called "downlevel" hardware, that is hardware which supports DirectX 9 and DirectX 10; however some features will be unavailable and will cause your DX11 device... 
Posted September 11, 2010 11:03:49 AM
Creating a dummy Direct3DDevice9 object Hi AnthIste, I don't really know much about the topics you are talking about, however if you only need to create a device there are several working samples. The one I'm posting here is for a demo I made for a workshop at my university;... 
Posted March 13, 2010 4:54:33 PM
D3D11 Shader reflection Hi panic, thank you for the suggestion, I didn't really consider that aspect! It looks like it applies to variables in constant buffer, but I'm still not able to reflect Buffers declared in HLSL. By the way, in the meantime I completed the applicatio... 
Posted March 9, 2010 3:25:24 PM
LookAt() functionality for FPS (Euler Angle) Camera Cool, it looks like you are close to solving the problem; just out of curiosity I want to post this code, which is a version that uses a length computed with 3 components. This is very close to your initial guess, the differences are (1) in the vecto... 
Posted February 26, 2010 3:17:02 PM
LookAt() functionality for FPS (Euler Angle) Camera Hi Wavesonics, I tried the following code and it works; It's pretty much what jyk was suggesting, however I still post it. However here I explicitly assume a right-hand setting in which plane XZ is the ground and y-axis is the UP direction, whic... 
Posted February 26, 2010 3:02:59 PM
PS_1_1 to PS_1_3 doesnt support negative values from the vertex shader?? Hi xnunes, Reference devices are software implementation of the Direct3D api; they are unrelated with the driver and the hardware, and they fully implement the entire Direct3D api. However they are extremely slow and cannot be used in production.... 
Posted January 25, 2010 5:41:18 PM
PS_1_1 to PS_1_3 doesnt support negative values from the vertex shader?? Hi xnunes, in my short experience as a hobbyist graphic programmer I experienced this kind of problems, and in my case usually got solved switching from a 2.0 profile to a 3.0 profile. I usually set my shaders to the maximum supported profile, b... 
Posted January 23, 2010 7:01:40 AM
D3D11 on downlevel hardware [SOLVED] Woah! Amazing, it works! Thank you so much! I had seen those pages but I didn't really investigate too much, sorry. I post the updated code, which now works both with reference 11 and with hardware 10.1 devices, on my GeForce 210. You explain... 
Posted January 16, 2010 11:10:34 AM
D3D10 input signatures @DieterVW @Shd Thank you for your help, if I discover something on this missing field I'll post it. And I'll try the GetInputElementDesc() way. Thank you have a nice weekend! Dario 
Posted January 16, 2010 9:36:26 AM
D3D10 input signatures Thank you Shd, that's definitely helpful! I thought the 'IA' thing was more like a mistake of the programmers, but your explanation make sense. However I still find strange the difference between the two structures of shdrDesc and passDesc; the re... 
Posted January 14, 2010 11:16:52 AM
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