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Nickname velebit 
State/Province, Country Grad Zagreb   Croatia
GD Gathering City Zagreb, Grad Zagreb, Croatia
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Member Since 3/10/2007 4:49:23 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Screensaver Hello After regularly visiting IOTD for years I decided to make a small contribution myself. Terra Incognita is a screensaver that displays pre-rendered pictures, like many others. The only difference is that it uses something I call "luminos... 
Posted March 12, 2007 6:38:12 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Glob I think there's a visual bug in the screenshot #1. The other day I was in Dubrovnik, I watched all around the Sponza Palace and couldn't spot any orange balls anywhere ;) Just kidding. Great work! Very impressive. Cool texture for the floor. So... 
Posted April 30, 2010 6:56:17 PM
Twin Sector Great game. First of all, the girl "design" is fantastic. Finally somebody who appreciates proper feminine curvatures :) Don't know why men today think that girls should be flat, but with huge arses. Secondly, a huge minus for the installer. It's... 
Posted September 13, 2009 6:40:16 PM
We're coming home! 1500 fps is quite playable :)  
Posted August 31, 2009 12:25:24 PM
We're coming home! What kind of frame rates do you get? It would be interesting to know how much slower (if any) is XNA compared to DirectX or OpenGL using C++. 
Posted August 26, 2009 4:06:57 PM
We're coming home! Your models and graphics look pretty good. The reflection of the Earth (although completely unrealistic) is so cool. Real photos of Earth should look like that :) I assume you had some help modeling these ships, making textures and all. Right? You... 
Posted August 24, 2009 5:01:27 PM
Scene one, take one I like your graphics (except the sky) but you didn't provide much details about the project. On your web page I can see some kind of top-down game, so how does this screenshot fit in that? Or is it a different project? Are you considering addi... 
Posted May 2, 2009 11:51:25 AM
Anacondzor: a retro-arcade-style-snake-like game! This is the funniest implementation of Snake I have ever played. And I play it since 1989! Mouse control is great.  
Posted August 10, 2008 8:30:17 AM
Screensaver The program has just been changed to display less promotional banners (there was a bug), so if you have it installed, uninstall it and replace by the new version. The link and setup file is the same as before, just re-download it from: http://www.... 
Posted March 14, 2007 6:28:12 PM
Screensaver Hello, janoside. I wasn't sure what to write in documentation about Vista compatibility. I'm glad it works. Thanks much for testing.  
Posted March 12, 2007 9:53:15 PM
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