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Member Since 2/22/2009 12:50:36 AM
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Crytek's MassLighting early implementation Hi, This is an early implementation of Crytek's Mass Lighting in my personal engine. I use 2d textures of size (nbrCellX , nbrCellsY*nbrCellsZ) instead of CryEngine3's 3d textures, to not require copying the ML rendering target to the 3d texture... 
Posted August 24, 2009 12:48:15 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Realtime Fluid Animation Demo Quice nice. But your metaball is really slow, it updates at maybe 5Hz on my Core2Quad Q9450. My GPU-only implementation is quite faster - it runs in real time on consoles ;)  
Posted October 29, 2009 2:31:53 PM
Crytek's MassLighting early implementation Quote:Original post by ViikIf you use volume for each light you will limit number of pixel you need to processThe cost is really low: my quads are already limiting the number of pixels in 2D, and adding depth clipping (aka volumetric geometry) won't... 
Posted August 31, 2009 11:41:34 PM
Crytek's MassLighting early implementation Quote:Original post by ViikDid you tried to represent each secondary light just as it's done in deffered rendering, instanced sphere mesh to represent light volume and do all calculation over G-buffer. This might be more fillrate intensive but should... 
Posted August 31, 2009 8:55:56 PM
Crytek's MassLighting early implementation Quote:Original post by arkangel2803Sorry by my ignorance but, writing color pixel in a volume texture per every light of massive light system is not a slow method ? I dont know at all but if Crytek uses it, then it will be fast. We're speaking about... 
Posted August 28, 2009 1:59:23 PM
Crytek's MassLighting early implementation Quote:Original post by InvalidPointer Correction: You *are* doing what Crytek is-- they explain that they use a regular 2D texture and some old-fashioned hackery instead of the volume texture approach for their reference implementation :)Yes, I've r... 
Posted August 25, 2009 1:11:46 PM
Crytek's MassLighting early implementation Quote:Original post by Kippesoep Quote:Original post by SlyCoder http://localhost/img/3d/Screenshots/MassLighting/MassLight8.jpg Strangely enough, my localhost doesn't serve your images :( Would love to see it tho :) Please tell your localhost... 
Posted August 25, 2009 9:33:48 AM
Crytek's MassLighting early implementation Quote:Original post by sebh Arf nice! I plan to implement this also!!! :D Are you using spherical harmonics for now? Hi/Salut, in the above screenshots no. I've implemented them yesterday's evening (ML with 1024 lights, using spherical harmonic... 
Posted August 25, 2009 7:29:34 AM
Crytek's MassLighting early implementation Doh! These previous shots were made with a debug build. A release build keeps hitting my vsynch with 1024 lights: 
Posted August 24, 2009 10:39:25 PM
Crytek's MassLighting early implementation Quote:Original post by firlionel Which one of the different models are you using? The .3ds one? Yes, the 3DS one. 
Posted August 24, 2009 5:09:40 PM
Crytek's MassLighting early implementation Quote:Original post by Tree Penguin Looks good! One question though, how do you handle texture filtering? The good thing about the 3d texture is that you have automatic filtering between all three dimensions, do you take multiple samples or is... 
Posted August 24, 2009 3:53:38 PM
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