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Get to know Lionel B...  
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Nickname Lionel B 
State/Province, Country Ile-de-France   France
GD Gathering City Conflans, Ile-de-France, France
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Member Since 4/3/2006 2:08:06 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Real Time Radiosity on GPU Hi, My first intention was to find a technique to render radiosity offline with a GPU, faster than using Hemicubes. I found one that I achieved to run in realtime on a small scene (no PRT or any precomputed stuff here) I wanted to... 
Posted April 6, 2006 10:18:17 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Real Time Radiosity on GPU Quote:Original post by DonnieDarko So are you actually doing a total of 1 pass with 16 directions or 16 passes with 16 directions? How are you doing the grouped render, something like a matrix palette of 16 different viewing directions? No, mu... 
Posted April 15, 2006 7:01:14 PM
Real Time Radiosity on GPU Quote:Original post by DonnieDarko Your technique somehow reminds of the "High-Quality Global Illumination rendering Using Rasterization" article from GPU Gems 2 (the depth peeling stuff...) but I have never really read it thoroughly. How does your... 
Posted April 12, 2006 2:54:30 AM
Real Time Radiosity on GPU Quote:Original post by Enrico Is there an entry in the Caps Viewer for this? I don't know D3D very well :-/ Yes it is the D3DUSAGE_QUERY_WRAPANDMIP caps (in ../HAL/AdapterFormats/.../TextureFormats) in DX caps viewer. Btw, I just updated the dem... 
Posted April 9, 2006 11:38:26 AM
Real Time Radiosity on GPU Quote:Original post by taby The 6200 doesn't support linear filtering on fp16. Is that a concern for ezbez? Yes. Sorry I didn't know for 6200. Apparently, those cards don't support blending nor filtering on ABGR16F format. The problem... 
Posted April 8, 2006 7:17:49 PM
Real Time Radiosity on GPU Quote:Original post by DonnieDarko Very impressive work and thanks for sharing! I noticed some bilinear artifacts in the lighting, do you think these could be hidden better be manually gaussian blurring the radiance texture instead of using a low... 
Posted April 7, 2006 8:08:47 AM
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