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Nickname ckcornflake 
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Member Since 7/24/2007 1:24:24 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Abaddon I programmed Abaddon using XNA and found some helpful folks on the internet to do the music and art for me. It took over 10 months and 1200 hours. It was recently approved on the XBL Marketplace if you want to check out. Check out the... 
Posted January 16, 2010 1:23:16 PM
New Indie Game: Abaddon... What do you think? So I decided to start programming games for fun and started a company called Firestorm Studios. I created a game called Abaddon which just got approved and uploaded to the XBox Live Marketplace. My goal was to create some fun, intense multiplayer... 
Posted January 10, 2010 11:20:41 AM
Abaddon Released! Abaddon Released Video: January 10th, 2010: Firestorm Studios is proud to announce that its first title, Abaddon, has been released. This top-down shooter is the perfect combination of strategy, fast... 
Posted January 10, 2010 11:18:04 AM
Needed: 3d modelor/2d Artist for XNA space game Requirements 3d Artist: Skilled at creating 3d models of spaceships, weapons, and buildings. Should have experience with texturing including normal maps, specular maps, etc. 2d Artist: You will be creating GUI elements, sprites for special ef... 
Posted July 10, 2008 6:39:16 PM
Try out Missile Defender! I created this game for my final project in my graphics class. It won 1st place among 10 other groups. I developed it for XNA and it runs on both the 360 and the PC. I can only distribute for PC at the moment, but I think I can get it &#... 
Posted March 13, 2008 12:50:22 PM
Converting Maya and 3ds files to fbx I'm working on a game for my graphics class using XNA for the XBox 360. Most of the 3d models I use will probably come from TurboSquid and similar websites. Since I'm using XNA I'd prefer that all my 3d models be in the .fbx format. While I... 
Posted October 24, 2007 1:36:43 PM
Tutorial 6 of DirectX SDK (Managed) Hi guys, I tried replacing the mesh/texture used in Tutorial 6 with a spaceship mesh/texture I found on the web. The mesh was originally a .3ds file and I converted it to a DirectX8.0 file using Milkshape. First of all, the DX Viewer fail... 
Posted July 31, 2007 12:10:21 PM
Need advice for visual effect I want to create a shield effect similar to the spherical shield surrounding the ship in the following picture: What techniques would you guys recommend I use to achieve an effect.... 
Posted July 27, 2007 12:16:57 PM
Need book advice I'm planning on re-doing a game that I did for a college class a few years ago. It was a 2d top-down scrolling space shooter (using 3d models) that was written in C++ and OpenGL. I plan to redo the game using DirectX in C#. I would say tha... 
Posted July 25, 2007 12:28:58 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
New Indie Game: Abaddon... What do you think? I started in February of 2009. I estimate around 1200 hours of programming. 
Posted January 10, 2010 3:31:40 PM
New Indie Game: Abaddon... What do you think? Sweet! :-) Thanks for watching. 
Posted January 10, 2010 11:55:04 AM
Converting Maya and 3ds files to fbx I tried that downloading that xconverted plug-in. Unfortunately, it doesn't work for maya 2008. 
Posted October 26, 2007 3:11:40 AM
Converting Maya and 3ds files to fbx I downloaded that, and I believe it only imports 3ds files. Seems like there is nothing out there short of actually getting Maya that will convert maya files to fbx. Sigh, can I at least do this with the trial version of maya? 
Posted October 25, 2007 12:19:42 AM
Tutorial 6 of DirectX SDK (Managed) Quote:Original post by remigius I assume you knew MDX is on its way out, right? XNA is all the craze these days. Your assumption is incorrect, lol. Damn, and I just bought a MDX programming book too. The thought of making my game work... 
Posted August 1, 2007 5:53:31 PM
Tutorial 6 of DirectX SDK (Managed) Well, it throws the exception at this line: mesh = Mesh.FromFile("tiger.x", MeshFlags.SystemMemory, device, out materials); I can't step into this method unfortunately. catch (DirectXException) { MessageBox.Show(DirectXEx... 
Posted August 1, 2007 10:36:09 AM
Tutorial 6 of DirectX SDK (Managed) What do you mean by stack trace? Is that the same as the callstack? The debug output is below. Direct3D9: :====> ENTER: DLLMAIN(03d1e6e0): Process Attach: 00000a74, tid=000016bc Direct3D9: :====> EXIT: DLLMAIN(03d1e6e0): Process Attach... 
Posted August 1, 2007 12:45:49 AM
Chemistry of Game Design: systems for design Quote:Original post by H4L It certainly has applications, though I'm not sure how deep you can go with it. I think it's more to do with level design than your core game mechanics. For example, in Castlevania:SOTN, at some point in the game you gain... 
Posted July 24, 2007 3:04:25 PM
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