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Nickname havchr 
State/Province, Country Hedmark   Norway
GD Gathering City Hamar, Hedmark, Norway
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Member Since 9/8/2008 9:55:58 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Skybound for iPhone/iPod Touch This my first image of the day. Skybound is a game for iPhone and iPod Touch I worked on together with my friends. We started up a company, Tumbleweed Interactive, after college to create indie-games and this is our first release. :D In th... 
Posted December 21, 2008 12:24:21 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Skybound for iPhone/iPod Touch Erik Ødegaard did our art. He is a very skilled artist, we are very pleased with what he has done for us. :) 
Posted December 27, 2008 10:36:25 AM
Skybound for iPhone/iPod Touch New update: Our application is ready for sale, so we decided to release it tomorrow! It releases on the 23. of December! I'm really excited to see what players think of our game. 
Posted December 22, 2008 11:15:05 AM
Skybound for iPhone/iPod Touch Yeah, we have an ongoing PS3 game for PSN, and we'll release some more iPhone games during 2009 as well. It'll be fun to see if the norwegian game developing industry will continue to grow. 
Posted December 21, 2008 11:06:49 AM
Phyta - finished how do you implement the vectorish look? does it render vector files, or do you compose the tree's from quads and texture them? edit: from looking at your data files, it seems you render quads and texture them. so, quads aligned with a curve... 
Posted September 12, 2008 5:44:50 AM
Mulver - 3D Platform game I liked the level design and the general idea of the game, but I didn't like the way it played. The camera has been mentioned, and I agree with those comments. I also had some frame dips in certain parts. It'd be ace to see a version with a bit mo... 
Posted September 8, 2008 12:15:30 PM
Spectraball This looks very interesting. Looking forward to test it out, if it controls smoothly, it'll be lovely! 
Posted September 8, 2008 11:40:47 AM
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