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Member Since 4/16/2003 11:56:55 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
FantastiqUI : flash Hey hey, Here are some screenshots of a flash control for hardware accelerated rendering I have been working on. It is based on the original adobe flash control, yet adds quite a lot of functionality. I have listed a few core features be... 
Posted November 26, 2007 11:47:56 AM
stencil shadows Heya everyone, Ihve got a little problem with stencil shadows. I have used the Nehe stencil shadows sample and copied most of the functions in my project. The first pass of the stencil shadow seems to do what it has to but the second pass remov... 
Posted April 28, 2003 1:22:32 PM
Decals Heya, im trying to put shadow textures on my terrain using decals but erm, cant really find a good decal tutorial. Does anyone know a good tutorial on it somewhere? Thanks alot, Mathijs 
Posted April 26, 2003 5:21:03 AM
Masking Heya everyone, Im trying to do grass using masking with the following code : glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_DST_COLOR,GL_ZERO); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture[vtex]); drawquad1(); glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE); glBindText... 
Posted April 16, 2003 11:59:02 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
FantastiqUI : flash Adobe license is as following, your free to build applications using their control, you just need to apply for a free license on their site. This license seems to be just a way to have a list of whose using it, since request seem to be accepted... 
Posted December 5, 2007 1:54:57 PM
FantastiqUI : flash Hey, Indeed I am not drawing the vector graphics myself, yet I am letting the flash player do it while letting it do this as optimized as possible. The few core ideas behind this are : *only copying portions of the flash control that are update... 
Posted December 3, 2007 2:14:48 PM
FantastiqUI : flash Hey, i'm glad you all like it. Since I focused on using the actual macromedia flash control and getting this on a texture as fast and optimized as possible making it viable for game use I should be able to offer this for a much lower pri... 
Posted November 27, 2007 7:41:36 AM
stencil shadows Got the problem after looking at some other samples. Cull face wasent turned on so it drawed all to the stencil buffer and also removed all again. Mathijs. 
Posted April 29, 2003 3:31:39 AM
Decals I think multitexturing will do it but wont it get slow when you have 100 shadow textures for each building etc.? Thanks Mathijs 
Posted April 26, 2003 4:15:59 PM
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