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Member Since 2/9/2006 1:36:39 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
How to fund games, ***Call to Game Developers Tired of not being treated fairly from publishers? I'm the CEO of Graffiti Entertainment and was a developer for a lot of years. We are looking for developers that are profitable and want to raise money to build products. Our idea is simple.... 
Posted November 12, 2008 12:35:48 AM
Another game on Elemental Engine 2 Yet Another Game on Elemental Engine 2 This is another game we developed with the Elemental Engine 2. We will probably release the some of the assets to the Open Source community as well as the Flack 
Posted August 17, 2008 1:06:30 AM
Open Source Flack Squad Developed with Elemental Engine 2 Flack Squad : Defenders of Liberty on Elemental Engine 2 Register as a developer and get a free open source engine. It includes an editor and many tools for a full game development system. Details * DirectX 9 Renderer for PC and X... 
Posted August 14, 2008 11:10:30 AM
Signature Devices, Inc. Launches Open Source Video Game Development Engine Signature Devices, Inc. Launches Open Source Video Game Development EnginePosted by: Signature Devices, Inc. at July 30, 2008 10:48:59 AMElemental Engine II is a full open source game engine capable of editing and creating 3D video game worlds in rea... 
Posted July 30, 2008 10:48:59 AM
Signature Devices, Inc. to Develop Arcade Game for Global VR® Signature Devices, Inc. to Develop Arcade Game for Global VR®Posted by: Signature Devices, Inc at February 9, 2006 1:42:52 PMSUNNYVALE, CA--(MARKET WIRE)--Feb 8, 2006 -- Signature Devices, Inc. (Other OTC:SDVI.PK - News) (, a... 
Posted February 9, 2006 1:42:52 PM
Signature Devices, Inc. to Develop Arcade Game for Global VR® Signature Devices, Inc. to Develop Arcade Game for Global VR®Posted by: Signature Devices, Inc at February 9, 2006 1:38:05 PMSUNNYVALE, CA--(MARKET WIRE)--Feb 8, 2006 -- Signature Devices, Inc. (Other OTC:SDVI.PK - News) (, a... 
Posted February 9, 2006 1:38:05 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Another game on Elemental Engine 2 Quote:Original post by Guntharpo Do you have any demonstrations of current-gen technology? Those screenshots look decidedly last-gen, and there didn't seem to be any demos on your website. No, and there won't be anything available to the pub... 
Posted August 21, 2008 8:53:41 PM
Another game on Elemental Engine 2 Quote:Original post by SuperDre Is your engine already being used on games for consoles? I particularly am interested in PS3.. Yes, it is already working on one NextGen Console. We are working on porting it to all the availab... 
Posted August 20, 2008 4:48:47 PM
Open Source Flack Squad Developed with Elemental Engine 2 I don't think it matters. We have access to the source code and can release as an middleware engine developer just like Unreal is. I'm sure the license will transfer to NVIDIA's releases too. 
Posted August 17, 2008 11:38:44 PM
Another game on Elemental Engine 2 Quote:Original post by scratt Interesting.. What platforms does the engine support. You say you are a licensed Sony / Nintendo developer, but the bullet points only talk about 360 and DirectX drivers. Oh, and a licensed publisher, big... 
Posted August 17, 2008 11:35:08 PM
Another game on Elemental Engine 2 Quote:Original post by scratt Interesting.. What platforms does the engine support. You say you are a licensed Sony / Nintendo developer, but the bullet points only talk about 360 and DirectX drivers. Working on iPhone, DS, PSP, W... 
Posted August 17, 2008 11:34:09 PM
Another game on Elemental Engine 2 Quote:Original post by BLiTZWiNG Looks good! You're engine sounds good too. Is it free? Cheap? High End expensive like? Free and open source. If you want support then it would cost money. But use it and develop products for an... 
Posted August 17, 2008 9:59:26 PM
Open Source Flack Squad Developed with Elemental Engine 2 Quote:Original post by Dee_ Do you really use old "Ageia PhysX" instead of new "Nvidia PhysX"? Does it have some legal or technical reasons? We were given a license to include the Ageia Physx system in our engine a while back maybe a year ago or... 
Posted August 16, 2008 7:03:06 PM
I was just wondering Neither. Use API that allows you to not care what underlying system is being used. That's what we do in the Elemental Engine 2. If you tie yourself to one or the other then you are not going to be very portable. If you use OpenGL, the XB... 
Posted August 16, 2008 12:22:24 AM
Open Source Flack Squad Developed with Elemental Engine 2 Quote:Original post by riruilo Is that an air-to-air missile what I see? In WW2? BTW, I like a lot the first and second picture. Yea, there's a lightning gun in the game too. We took liberties. It's an arcade type of game, not an authentic g... 
Posted August 15, 2008 12:29:02 PM
Open Source Flack Squad Developed with Elemental Engine 2 Quote:Original post by hymerman I believe the title is actually a reference to soul/jazz singer Roberta Flack, but should they wish to change their title to something more appropriate to the game I'm sure they will use your feedback :) Looking go... 
Posted August 15, 2008 11:19:14 AM
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