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Member Since 7/16/2009 10:22:40 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
The Demo for my engine -- Quantumas (vs ue3,ce2&ce3) This is my graphics engine - Quantumas. It's still in beta stage. i think some parts are acceptable for a small demo. Restricted by time, I still managed to put some efforts to polish up the video a little bit. hope you enjoy (The sound might be a... 
Posted June 7, 2010 3:25:03 AM
The wrong way to apply Bloom & Lens streak... The converntial way to apply post bloom and lens streak involves a final ADD, which inevitably excessively over-brightens the high-luminance areas in an image. This somtimes gives us bad visual efx. Another way is to apply LERP instead of ADD.... 
Posted March 31, 2010 10:33:50 PM
First Class Array Extremely SLOW a tiny bit of a code can significantly slow down your shader performance: for instance: const vec4[] ary = vec4[]( ..... 40 elements ..... ); void main() { .... sum += ary[i]; .... } seems the problem is caused by the co... 
Posted December 12, 2009 6:34:40 AM
Practical Realtime Global Illumination [Updated] Here's my latest work. (forget about my previous post) Finally, both quality and performance are quite acceptable (even for this unoptimized version). (sorry for some post blurry) For accurate visibility version, the artifact can be removed by u... 
Posted October 14, 2009 10:53:25 PM
Why 32bit float point texture cannot be filtered by hw? 16bit floating point texture filtering is supported on latest cards, but not for 32bit ones. Why they cannot be filtered? What is the difficulty at hardware level?  
Posted September 17, 2009 4:03:59 AM
Bindable uniform is a GPU-Cycle EATER !!!! Bindable uniform is too slow. Here is what i got: (NV driver version 190.38) Same scene, same rendering techniques, same profiling codes, same CPU cost in irrelevant parts... shaders are composed in OGL 3.0 way. (no gl_NormalMatrix, gl_ModelViewM... 
Posted September 4, 2009 9:26:36 AM
How to create a RG16F texture?? i tried to create a RG16F texture in Opengl, but cant get it right. i found the enum GL_FLOAT_RG16_NV: glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0 , GL_FLOAT_RG16_NV, w, h, border, GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT, null) This generates an "invalid enum". what pixel forma... 
Posted August 29, 2009 9:39:47 AM
Query GPU time Does modern GPUs have an internal register to track its rendering time? How can i query it (via asm code)? dex 
Posted August 24, 2009 9:28:58 AM
The specialty of register 0 hi, i've got a very strange problem. pls shed some light on the issue. The Problem: The register 0 is very special on my side. So, what specialty does it have? Basicaly, my painting routine is very simple: 1. A vertex posit... 
Posted July 25, 2009 7:33:10 AM
Many Vertex program outputs I'm kinda confused by the "number of vertex program outputs" limit: document of DX10 says DX10 card has 32 interpolated registers (32 float4 output) while my card 9600GT reports its MAX_VARYING_FLOATS is 60 which means only 15 vec4 outputs ar... 
Posted July 21, 2009 4:14:55 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
The Demo for my engine -- Quantumas (vs ue3,ce2&ce3) @MJP indeed silly. I did have pointed this out in my prev post. However, i think this is a good start. 
Posted June 9, 2010 2:46:33 AM
The Demo for my engine -- Quantumas (vs ue3,ce2&ce3) First of all, thanks for your supportive words! @Mathmo: About the license, im considering this tough issue. SO it's hard to say what step i will take in the near future. @kilah: The Project Offset is an awesome engine. I'm very impressed by... 
Posted June 8, 2010 10:13:37 PM
The Demo for my engine -- Quantumas (vs ue3,ce2&ce3) @ArKano22: My GI algorithm is similar with RSM technology but actually i arrived at my own solution before ever read about RSM. Generally, my method runs 2 times faster than the method proposed in the article, with some minor feature loss. @Mat... 
Posted June 7, 2010 8:21:51 AM
The wrong way to apply Bloom & Lens streak... Quote:Original post by MJP Quote:Original post by dextml Brilliant! Even though ScreenBlend is not cheap, but it's worth for the good composition result and scales well with future GPUs. Expensive? It's just b + a * (1 - b). man, that's &#... 
Posted April 2, 2010 10:00:09 PM
The wrong way to apply Bloom & Lens streak... Quote:Original post by ptitjulien The formulae i'm currently using is max( col, texture2D( glow, uv ) * glowfactor ) where glowfactor is about 1.15... In here the glow texture is just a blurred version of the rendered scene.. But it's jus... 
Posted April 1, 2010 9:59:18 PM
The wrong way to apply Bloom & Lens streak... Quote:Original post by Yann L Quote:Original post by dextml Is there any good solution to fix the over-brighten problem and maintain overall luminance of an image? In fact, in reality bloom is additive on the overall image, yet subtractive fr... 
Posted April 1, 2010 3:23:15 AM
Practical Realtime Global Illumination [Updated] Quote:Original post by Vilem Otte It is kind of HUGE image (I wanted to put it into PDF, but I'm not uploading from home (nor work) - so just this one made in MSPaint (really! :D) I hope that this clears what could make image quality less... 
Posted October 17, 2009 9:59:57 PM
Practical Realtime Global Illumination [Updated] Quote:Original post by Vilem Otte if not - I'll try to post some picture giving better explanation of that) That'd be great if u clarify your idea to me. Quote:by Vilem Otte Anyway may I ask for more details about algo? and how much time to... 
Posted October 15, 2009 10:59:38 PM
Practical Realtime Global Illumination [Updated] Quote:Original post by mikfig looks real nice :D if i understand correctly by your screenshots, you used a technique called visibility tracing or something? To accel the rendering, visibility is not only determined by tracing. Instead, the v... 
Posted October 14, 2009 11:52:08 PM
Why 32bit float point texture cannot be filtered by hw? i appreciate your help. Looks like starting from G80 and R600, everything becomes clear. 
Posted September 17, 2009 10:10:52 PM
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