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Full Name Gregory JAN
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Job Title Software Engineer 
Job Description Software Engineer (telecoms) 
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Member Since 5/14/2004 5:03:33 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
GNet engine Hello, I m frenchy and I post here some samples of the game engine I m working on: the GNet engine. If you are developpers, I invite you to see my web page : If you are graphics artists, I m looking for some fun... 
Posted August 17, 2006 5:58:56 PM
dev and arts wanted dev and arts wanted - Hi Developpers and Artists, Team name: GTeam (why not :-)) Project name: None for instance Brief description: I m working on a game engine since several years during my waste time and I m looking for somebody... 
Posted August 19, 2006 5:24:31 AM
New directX game engine Hello everybody, It is a frenchy who's speaking ... I would like to introduce you to the GNet engine, a game engine I m working on since several years as hobby during my waste time. I currently looking for developpers, artists, ... who co... 
Posted August 18, 2006 2:01:14 PM
New game engine Hello everybody, I would like to introduce you to the GNet engine, a game engine I m working on since several years as hobby during my waste time. I currently looking for developpers, artists, ... who could join me to develop new features, t... 
Posted August 18, 2006 1:51:30 PM
GNet engine in C# Hello, I m frenchy and I post here some samples of the game engine I m working on: the GNet engine. If you are developpers, I invite you to see my web page : If you are graphics artists, I m looking for some fun... 
Posted August 17, 2006 3:08:00 PM
Shadow Map DX9 (Z comparison) I m trying to implement Shadow Mapping with DX9, GeForce4Ti4200, VS1.1 and PS1.1 - render into 1 depth + 1 color buffer from light = OK - restore depth + back buffer = OK - render from camera with t0=model texture t1=depth shadow map (s,t... 
Posted May 14, 2004 5:11:07 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
GNet engine To HELP every graphics artists to design some samples (added into the SDK) the SDK is now integrating 1 Blender (>=2.42) export plugin ... so download the latest SDK from and try it with your own models. Bye ... 
Posted March 8, 2007 1:13:09 PM
GNet engine The GNet SDK package is available on my web site. GNet Engine SDK Try it, and give me your suggestions. Thx Greg 
Posted August 23, 2006 4:49:53 PM
dev and arts wanted The GNet SDK package is available on my web site. GNet Engine SDK Try it, and give me your suggestions. Thx Greg 
Posted August 23, 2006 4:46:48 PM
dev and arts wanted I m preparing a package with SDK, samples, plugins sources, docs and main application sources. It will be available this week on by website, if you want to try it, export some scenes from your project, maybe you will look at docs+sources and th... 
Posted August 20, 2006 6:11:51 AM
dev and arts wanted Thank you for your feedback Shankar, You know I m a poor designer/artist it s why my website is so "austere" (in french :-)) For a game I would really like to start with 1 adventure game at 3rd person view. Bye. Greg 
Posted August 19, 2006 8:18:13 AM
GNet engine Thx CyberSlag5k, it is 1 normal map over 1 diffuse map. Bye. Greg 
Posted August 18, 2006 6:59:15 PM
Bones as part of hierarchy, or part of mesh class? Hello Raeldor, in my engine ( I m using bones and they are present directly into my scene tree as specific nodes. I explain: Scene tree contains 1 root node with several children nodes each node is an instance of 1 c... 
Posted August 18, 2006 1:58:48 PM
GNet engine You can retrieve all informations on my web page: To sum up: Fully in C# Only DirectX9 Shaders support (ASM, HLSL, FX) Plugins oriented (define your own node and bind it directly from Max or Maya) Exports... 
Posted August 18, 2006 6:52:14 AM
Shadow Map DX9 (Z comparison) Thank you for your response. If I understand when I set my depth map (shadow map) in texture stage 1 (setTexture(1, shadow_zbuffer)) Then GPU will automatically perform Z comparison : tex2D(t1.x/t1.w, t1.y/t1.w) [edited by - grg on May 14, 2004... 
Posted May 14, 2004 10:20:14 AM
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