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Member Since 11/7/2001 8:01:44 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
relief mapping My attempt at relif mapping with self shadowing using my shader engine which uses cgfx1.4. I seem to get some shadow glitches, but im guessing this is because of dds compression on top of low quality textures. 
Posted October 17, 2005 1:50:22 PM
multithreading software renderer currently i have a software renderer that is single threaded. I want to make it multithreaded so whipped up some test code thats draws a single triangle that takes up half the screen. I divide the triangle in to the number of threads i have and ea... 
Posted April 18, 2009 2:58:09 AM
Fast memset i have an array of floats (4bytes) and i want to set this array to 1.f for each entry as fast as possible. I tried memset, but that only accepts a char sized value to set At the moment I have this: // clear depth buffer { int cou... 
Posted April 18, 2009 9:59:05 AM
Perspective Projection Matrix Help... Looking here im trying to implement this code in maxscript(z is up). mFov = 140.57 -- degrees mCotFOV = (1.0 / (tan (mFov / 2.0) ) ) -- cotangent mNear = 10 --0.1 -- cm ... 
Posted January 27, 2009 12:12:45 AM
Help with projection matrix Im trying to do this via maxscript to bear with me :) What im trying to do is to convert my mesh into camera space using the code from here It works ok but the depth values arent working. F... 
Posted January 12, 2009 7:51:58 PM
laptop touchpad - multitouch gestures i have a laptop and was thinking it would be cool to be able to have some game im working on to support gestures from my laptops touchpad. Not sure if laptop mouse pads support multiple inputs at once, but im guessing they might. Im wonder... 
Posted January 6, 2009 8:19:23 PM
shortest path between two points on tri mesh I am working on some path finding code, I have a triangle navigation mesh, i have two points (either end of the green line), my code then finds the least amount of triangles to get between the two (the blue triangles). Now after that, i iter... 
Posted September 16, 2008 6:27:53 AM
intersection of 2 line segments Im trying to determine the intersection of two 3d line segments. This is the clearest page ive found from google: but its in 2d, but i assume i can just follow this through to 3d. How e... 
Posted September 6, 2008 12:25:24 AM
vc2008 breakpoints reset when debugger run when i run the debugger in visual studio 2008 all my break points turn in to a red run with an exclamation mark and hence dont break, so i have to have the app running and then reset the break point to get it to break on a line. Any one... 
Posted September 5, 2008 9:24:58 PM
dll's in seperate location to exe so im working on a game, and i have a bunch of dll's that i currently need in the same folder as my exe. Is it possible to stash the dll's away in another folder, and when my exe loads to tell the OS where the dll's should be loaded from? im... 
Posted August 23, 2008 2:49:03 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
multithreading software renderer seems like only doing 4x4 blocks would result in a lot of wasted time generating this data, moving it around and storing it? im doing old school rasterisation where i do a whole line of a triangle at a time, how ever i did read up on som... 
Posted April 19, 2009 8:11:23 PM
multithreading software renderer fill me in with more info on the quad/tile idea? are you talking about dividing up the screen? the problem i see with this idea is most polys will end up in the same tiles on the screen when you render a model anyways. If you deferred an... 
Posted April 19, 2009 3:03:16 AM
Fast memset this requires your data to be in an stl container, i think, which it is not 
Posted April 18, 2009 11:07:29 AM
multithreading software renderer hrmm seems with the multi buffering it might be more hassle than its worth seems like any savings you might make could be offset by having to combine the buffers each frame. 
Posted April 18, 2009 9:31:28 AM
multithreading software renderer im thinking of combining my method of spliting the poly in to multiple divisions with the multi buffering. The problem is how to do this in a lock-less fashion if possible. say i have 2 threads. so i have 2 render buffers, so i can render up... 
Posted April 18, 2009 8:08:47 AM
multithreading software renderer i've sort of thought of doing a multi buffer thing where they get merged, but im not sure if this would cause issues with sorting/blending i suspect it would cause problems 
Posted April 18, 2009 6:37:32 AM
Need to custom implement gluLookAt() there's a formula here which might be of some help:  
Posted October 2, 2008 2:01:48 AM
trying to display a cgfx effect witn openGL your c looks reasonable. I would suggest trying the simplest shader possible though. That shader will definitely not work with the simple c code you have there. 
Posted October 1, 2008 7:21:38 AM
shortest path between two points on tri mesh Quote:Original post by Morrandir Step-by-step it would look like this: - 1. triangle is skipped - 2. triangle - add the upper vertex to the point list, set starting point of the best line to this point - all subsequent triangles skipped ... 
Posted September 16, 2008 8:33:31 AM
shortest path between two points on tri mesh ive thought of adjust the best line, but that would also result in a similar line (the same in the above case). I've also thought of working forwards till i hit a point, then work backwards till i hit a point rinse and repeat, but again, it wouldnt... 
Posted September 16, 2008 7:19:25 AM
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