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Get to know nemesisgeek...  
Full Name Andrew Zonenberg
Nickname nemesisgeek 
State/Province, Country NJ   United States
GD Gathering City Wayne, NJ, United States
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Job Title President 
Job Description Software developer / Web programmer 
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Member Since 7/7/2005 11:32:43 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Vulcan3D engine This is an engine and FPS game which I have been working on as a hobby project since I was 15 (about a year and a half). The engine is now about 12,000 lines of code, plus another 11,000 in the game. EDIT: I've just re-counted the source cod... 
Posted October 15, 2006 1:15:42 AM
Vulcan3D Map Editor This is the map editor for a game engine I've been working on for the last few years. It's loosely modeled off of UnrealEd (the only commercial tool that I've had experience with) but has a scene graph and dependency tree on the left i... 
Posted February 19, 2007 5:32:41 PM
My new signature Take a look at my signature. How does it look? 
Posted January 8, 2008 12:07:09 AM
Modeling water droplets I'm trying to model a stream of water as particles (e.g. from a garden sprinkler or Super Soaker). The water is fairly turbulent with a lot of air bubbles - refraction is not likely to be an issue. What I'm trying to do is display the droplets as sem... 
Posted June 21, 2007 5:10:03 PM
Modeling water droplets I'm trying to model a stream of water as particles (e.g. from a garden hose). The water is fairly turbulent with a lot of air bubbles - refraction is not likely to be an issue. What I'm trying to do is display the droplets as semitransparent with a b... 
Posted June 21, 2007 3:35:52 PM
MS VC++ 6.0 (a different question) I've been using VC++ 6.0 Std Edition since it came out in 1998. I recently downloaded VC2005 Express to check it out. Should I use the old standard edition (with its extra features) or the new express edition (with a newer compiler)? 
Posted April 10, 2007 10:35:40 AM
Strange lighting issue [FIXED] I'm having a strange bug with some of my models. Lighting is enabled and a light source is defined, but diffuse lighting is not working. The models turn out pitch black - as in RGB 0,0,0. (BTW, I have no ambient lighting in this scene. When I set the... 
Posted February 19, 2007 9:38:33 AM
How to optimize normal-mapping shader When I apply this shader to a single object in a simple test map (a two-floor dungeon with four torches around a staircase and no other objects), my framerate drops from 40 to 10. Any ideas on how to optimize this? Normal-mapped brick stair... 
Posted December 20, 2006 1:50:31 PM
How to make xbox games? I'm a hobbyist and have done a lot of PC game development, I'm currently writing a first-person shooter game and engine. I'm interested in possibly making an xbox game, anyone know what's involved? 
Posted October 26, 2006 11:11:40 AM
Projective texturing Does anyone have any idea as to how I could go about doing projective texturing? I am writing an FPS game and want my tracers to light up their surroundings, but having 10 lights (if two ppl each fire 5 shots) is a little impractical. 
Posted October 8, 2005 4:02:22 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Variance Shadow Mapping for the X-Engine I think the term is "work in progress". 
Posted April 12, 2008 6:06:52 PM
Vulcan3D Map Editor I'm amazed someone picked this as an IOTD now - it's been over a year since I posted it! What you see here is version 3 of my editor, which I stopped working on in the summer of 2007. Version 4, a slight "upgrade", was made over the fall. It... 
Posted April 12, 2008 6:00:24 PM
Spot light (ie: street lamp) Emissive materials are in no way associated with lighting. They do not actually "emit" light - they simply make the object LOOK like it is glowing. To simulate a glowing object, you need to have two things: * A light (using diffuse and specular t... 
Posted March 21, 2008 8:40:34 PM
My new signature Thanks MrEvil - done! 
Posted January 8, 2008 9:35:47 PM
My new signature OK, it seems that people don't like it. I'll think of something shorter... 
Posted January 8, 2008 1:17:49 PM
Favorite Programming Language? I love native (unmanaged) C++. It's efficient, portable, and powerful. Very few languages I've seen support multiple inheritance as well as C++. I use x86 assembler, PHP, and javascript often, but I prefer C++ above all other languages that I... 
Posted December 11, 2007 5:39:05 PM
Continuing a function after calling destructor then constructor In C++, one copy of each member function is shared between all objects. For example, if you have a class named Box with a function "int GetVolume()", calling MyBox.GetVolume() internally does something like Box::GetVolume(&MyBox). In Visual C++... 
Posted December 11, 2007 5:33:15 PM
XML in Games? In my game engine, I use XML for map files, settings, and some animation data. I do NOT use XML for scripts - I use a stripped-down form of C++. (XML is a great way of describing hierarchal DATA, but it's not a very good way to describe a procedure.)... 
Posted December 2, 2007 6:09:25 PM
Stickman Warfare Very nice. I'm 17 too, but I prefer native C++ over Delphi or C#. I'm working on the 4th generation of my game engine now, using OpenGL and OpenAL (none of that DirectX stuff). One suggestion - try getting more detailed weapon models and more... 
Posted September 19, 2007 11:17:22 PM
Question: Bits field Bit fields are usually used (along with unions) if you want to pack several data items into a single variable (e.g. to optimize network bandwidth usage). If, for example, you want to store a signed integer in 5 bits of a byte and an unsigned integ... 
Posted July 4, 2007 8:36:55 PM
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