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Get to know arcanwarrior...  Banned
Full Name Aaron Ross
Nickname arcanwarrior 
State/Province, Country Queensland   Australia
GD Gathering City Mackay, Queensland, Australia
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Member Since 8/8/2007 9:07:42 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Hijack #3 - MY FULL CONFESSION! I'm posting this at great peril for my own personal wellbeing. Under great duress and the threat of imminent and brutal reprisal, I feel that a greater task takes precedent. A greater force commands my time and safety and I urge you all to take the... 
Posted August 20, 2007 6:17:09 PM
F.E.A.R: the story - Part 2 added! Ok, now that the post has been reverted back to its natural state... I didn't see any calendar of april the first but... who knows? here's the PROPER story... [Edited by - Run_The_Shadows on August 20, 2007 7:29:22 PM] 
Posted August 19, 2007 9:43:50 PM
Run just made this thread 100% better! [Edited by - Run_The_Shadows on August 19, 2007 11:02:21 PM] 
Posted August 19, 2007 11:27:03 PM
FPS-RPG game idea Wouldn't it be cool if there was a game that involved humans being controlled by a strange blue glowing mineral that grafts into the ribcage? I'm presently working on a game code-named Project Arcanism. The storyline (so far...) is that in t... 
Posted August 13, 2007 6:07:42 PM
how's this for a game idea??? NOW YOU'VE SEEN IT ALL!!! If anybody is interested please contact me at OR So far i've come up with a basic storyline,weapon design/function. character models etc. I need people who will help me bring t... 
Posted August 9, 2007 11:09:20 PM
Looking for a team 2 make an FPS-RPG!!! yeah, well, I'm looking for a team to help make an FPS-RPG. so far i have drawn a layout for three levels. I'm planning on using an open source engine called retribution available here. If anybody is interested please contact me at arcanwarrior... 
Posted August 8, 2007 9:16:31 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Serious Question as for game maker salaries, professionals in teh business earn over US$150,000 (even more if you sell a lot of copies) 
Posted August 20, 2007 8:04:56 PM
Hijack #3 - MY FULL CONFESSION! No,I don't worship satan... in fact im atheist... it was just theological specualation... i'm sorry if I offended anyone and i'm sorry promit for being out of subject, but isn't the GDNet lounge allowed to have random stuff in it? 
Posted August 20, 2007 7:36:28 PM
Anyone else tired of first person shooters? Yeah, there was an early FPS out where you go under a waterfall, and you find a naked anime woman scrubbing herself... can't remember the name of it though... had swords as well but... 
Posted August 20, 2007 6:21:08 PM
I need a better nickname residential evil zombie blaster (with a shotgun) 
Posted August 19, 2007 10:04:52 PM
I hate to bother but i need a bare-bones answer. as lexdysic said, i would recommend you mod some already available games, to help you gain a better understanding of what game designers really do. commercial games like unreal tournament are good for modding, because the producers actually released... 
Posted August 19, 2007 6:18:44 PM
Forum Game Needs Staff It sounds 2 me like you want to make an "open source" story using forums as your main means of commucication. am I right or wrong in this summary as i myself am a bit confused? you can view my book rendition of FEAR here(its in a blog)  
Posted August 9, 2007 8:30:16 PM
Open-Source FPS I can help you with the mapping if u still need it... email me at if you need 2 contact me. 
Posted August 9, 2007 7:59:22 PM
Required - Artist(s) for unqiue online game what sort of artwork do u need? i'm alright at manga and cartooning, and am self- tutoring myself with an open source 3d animation program 
Posted August 9, 2007 7:56:51 PM
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