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Member Since 3/26/2007 2:44:03 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
[XNA] Adding texture coordinate offsets to instanced models. Hallo, Im trying to add some more data to my vertex data structure. Im trying to add a vector2 for each instance of a model, but I cant get it to work and was wondering if anyone could give me a nudge in the right direction. The objects render, but... 
Posted December 15, 2010 9:41:17 AM
Generating shadowmap for directional light Hallo, I am trying to create a shadowm map for a directional light, but im running into some problems. For some reason it looks like only object very close to the camera appears on the shadow map. Its the first time im attempting this an... 
Posted November 17, 2010 11:48:36 AM
Correct way of handeling several different types of light Hallo, Im working on making a shader that suppports point, directional and spot lights. I have it all working, but when I try to compile the shader in release mode I get the following error: error X4550: maximum boolean register index exce... 
Posted October 31, 2010 12:48:08 PM
Problem with multiple lights Hallo, I am trying to write a shader that supporst multiple lights, but I am having some strange problems. If I draw one light, everything is fine. If I draw two light I get the second specular kind of shining through a bit even tho the ca... 
Posted October 29, 2010 11:11:58 AM
Blade like dissolve effect Hallo, I am trying to work out how to do a dissolve effect like the one you can see in the Blade movies where the vampires die. Im very unsure about how to go about this. Simply growing a circle on the texture map would almost give the d... 
Posted October 15, 2010 5:46:31 AM
Katkan 12 Katkan 12 is a sidescroller beat em' up set in the future. We took our inspiration from the retro clasic game Streets of Rage with its fun addictive gameplay. Its being made by one programmer(me) and one artist using the XNA framework. T... 
Posted April 7, 2010 10:50:35 AM
Blur shader problem Hallo, I am having some problems with my very basic blur shader, and was wondering if anyone could lend me a hand? pixelSizeX is 1 / width of the sprite, pixelSizeY is 1 / height of the sprite. When I try to use it, the sprite renders corre... 
Posted March 7, 2010 5:11:23 PM
Accessing multiple textures in shader Hallo, I am having a problem with accessing two textures at the same time in a shader that I am working on and was wondering if anyone could take a look? This works fine, it draws my sprite on the screen which makes me believe that th... 
Posted March 6, 2010 5:55:56 PM
ResolveBackBuffer very slow? Hallo, I am very new to graphics programming using directX/XNA and I have a question. Is ResolveBackBuffer very very slow? Resolving the backbuffer and drawing it to the screen again costs me more then 100fps! Is is that slow, or am I doing somet... 
Posted March 4, 2010 6:45:29 PM
Inner glow effect for sprites Hallo, I was wondering if someone could give me any pointers to how I can recreate the inner glow effect you find in Photoshop using a pixel shader on a 2d sprite? Regards, 
Posted February 18, 2010 3:16:56 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
[XNA] Adding texture coordinate offsets to instanced models. Thats it! Cant belive i didnt think of trying that. Thanks! 
Posted December 16, 2010 6:41:35 AM
Correct way of handeling several different types of light Thanks a lot for you post, sometimes the internet makes me question why I need to spend lots of money to go to university. It seems like there is no perfect way of having a shader that can handle lights like I want it to. Do you know how this is... 
Posted November 1, 2010 7:43:21 AM
Correct way of handeling several different types of light Actually, there is no if statments at all in my code. If the compiler is unrolling my loops like that, will it not be a very expensive shader? What im trying to do is write a shader that supports a given number of lights, but they can all be of d... 
Posted October 31, 2010 6:18:26 PM
Problem with multiple lights There was two errors in the code. The first one was the one Hodgman pointed out. I feel somewhat embarrassed for not spotting that one myself. The other one was that there is no claming on the lambert calculation, making it... 
Posted October 30, 2010 10:14:17 AM
Blade like dissolve effect Thats a good idea. It sounds like it definatly would be a more efficent way of doing it. I still have some concern about having it as a vertex based effect tho. Would it not look better if it was pixel based? Im sure you would be able to have more in... 
Posted October 15, 2010 7:09:06 AM
Katkan 12 Quote:Original post by Daaark That looks amazing. I hope you do decide to get it up on XBLIG, because I'd love to play it on my 360. :) Is there any youtube videos of this in action? Thanks. We want to make a cool game play trailer ju... 
Posted April 10, 2010 2:01:35 PM
Blur shader problem I feel very stupid now. The float thing was the problem. Cant believe I did not catch that myself. Thanks! 
Posted March 7, 2010 6:21:54 PM
Accessing multiple textures in shader Hey I have been working on this the whole day and I have made some progress. It looks like the textures are fine and I can access both of them. The reason why I could not see the second one is that it was not in the "correct" position. F... 
Posted March 7, 2010 3:51:39 PM
Accessing multiple textures in shader I looked at it in PIX as you suggested, and it all looks fine to me (but then again, I have never used it before) Here is all my render targets. (Why is there so many? I only create two) [image] 
Posted March 7, 2010 10:35:17 AM
Accessing multiple textures in shader No, it makes no difference. It might be related to the problem, not sure, but when I change rendertarget, my screen goes purple and everything I have drawn up until that point gets removed. 
Posted March 6, 2010 8:38:02 PM
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