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Member Since 11/18/2005 10:21:25 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Cornell Box - radiosity lightmaps generation source code (Delphi 6) The simplest radiosity lightmaps generation method. source code: 
Posted November 20, 2005 8:39:12 PM
Delphi/OpenGL/Shaders: Half-Life skeletal animation (GLSL) Basic example on using shaders for skeletal animation in Turbo Delphi. CPU vs Shader vertex transformation with full source code: Source code (219kb): Executable demo (342kb): http://www.igr... 
Posted October 17, 2006 12:07:46 AM
loading Blender "armatures" in Delphi/OGL Pre-release. Full source code included. features: - bones-weight skeletal animation - exporter script for Blender under construction: - interpolation 
Posted September 7, 2006 11:21:46 PM
Pencil drawing radiosity lightmap generator released. exe & delphi 6 source code: Run only in 32bpp windows desktop colordepth! screenshot: Idea: Each poligon have: 1) lmap:array[0..leveldim-1] of TBMP; - Ligtmap 2) tmap:array[0..leveldi... 
Posted December 19, 2005 10:40:56 AM
OpenGL radiosity lightmap generator with sources (Delphi). It may be interesting for someone. this solution is not sufficient for physically-based accurate lighting simulation (page, download source) Screenshots: Source code: (185kb) [Edited by - tmtlib on November 19, 2005 7:14:2... 
Posted November 19, 2005 7:35:34 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Delphi/OpenGL/Shaders: Half-Life skeletal animation (GLSL) an updated non-vcl version: (217kb, exe+src) units required to compile: (182kb, *.pas) Texture packer used: (283kb, by AINC). 
Posted October 29, 2006 11:24:56 PM
Delphi/OpenGL/Shaders: Half-Life skeletal animation (GLSL) And here is all you waited for It's a new much more powerful version That was highly optimized to work 1000000 times faster Good example of using GLSL + VBO Get the source (219kb): Get EXE (34... 
Posted October 18, 2006 7:41:03 PM
Delphi/OpenGL/Shaders: Half-Life skeletal animation (GLSL) Update: If "ERROR: 0:2: 'pre-mature EOF' : syntax error parse error" occurs then go to shaders folder and edit vertex.txt. __Remove all russian comments__ from source code of ./shaders/vertex.txt file. Some drivers do not like russian comments... 
Posted October 17, 2006 8:34:06 AM
Cornell Box - radiosity lightmaps generation source code (Delphi 6) Lightmap generation (GeForce2mx/mx400 with 2.4Ghz CPU) = 15-20 sec. Note: framebuffer corruption problem not solved (problem appears randomly). I tried to make it realtime by using 5 calls to: "glOrtho(...) gluLookAt("from_polygon[i]") polygon[i... 
Posted November 23, 2005 8:24:28 AM
Cornell Box - radiosity lightmaps generation source code (Delphi 6) Quote:Original post by timw Quote: However, keep in mind that it is not physically correct. why? It demonstrates "radiosity" effect. But it's not 100% physically correct.  
Posted November 22, 2005 3:45:25 AM
Cornell Box - radiosity lightmaps generation source code (Delphi 6) However, keep in mind that it is not physically correct. 
Posted November 21, 2005 12:10:53 PM
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