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Full Name Mahdi Jeddi
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Member Since 6/1/2002 2:01:06 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Playing Video in (Managed) Direct3D Hello everybody! It's been a long time I was doing research to use video files as textures in 3D (e.g. video billboards on the streets) and I was disappointed to see how bad AudioVideoPlayback is doing. Then I found this great open-source proj... 
Posted January 7, 2007 1:28:32 AM
Orient: A Hero's Heritage These are screen-shots of our game project "Orient: A Hero's Heritage". It's a role-playing game that is based loosely on the history of ancient Persia. We are an Iranian team currently consisting of 15 full time members and also 35 other colle... 
Posted November 26, 2006 7:20:28 PM
[mdx] Cpu usage on mesh.DrawSubset() Recently i was profiling my engine and i was surprised by the fact that %54 of cpu usage was burning in mesh.DrawSubset() method. I want to know should I load my meshes in my own vertex/index buffers and then render them or this is related to creatin... 
Posted May 22, 2006 12:47:09 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Orient: A Hero's Heritage People calm down. First the engine we used is LGPL not GPL, and in it's License it clearly states that it's not needed to acknowledge the name of the engine. And we mainly used it's Architectural Design (for learning engine programming) and it's Geo-... 
Posted December 6, 2006 6:33:24 AM
Orient: A Hero's Heritage About the demo, we don't have any plans to release executable demos until it's released (It's almost 700 MB), but we will release some captured videos from the game-play soon.  
Posted November 28, 2006 4:30:40 AM
Orient: A Hero's Heritage That border is not part of the UI, our web design team added that (maybe to make the screen-shots more pretty). But you're right, as I already said we're planning on revising the UI.  
Posted November 28, 2006 4:27:49 AM
Orient: A Hero's Heritage Quote:Original post by ehsan_the_tiamat the other problem is the texturing of the terrain which has very low detail. Hmm, The texture are very high-res (512x512) per meter, I think the problem is more about the Blur-ish post effect and the linear t... 
Posted November 27, 2006 10:23:58 AM
Orient: A Hero's Heritage Quote:Original post by sepul what is the name of the open source engine ? another question, how much fps you are getting on a specific graphic card ? Our project manager doesn't let me tell you the name of the engine. but it's no big deal,... 
Posted November 27, 2006 9:04:45 AM
Orient: A Hero's Heritage About the bloom it's not final, we just played with post effects. And those health and mana indicators are on top of our change list. Thanks for the comments.  
Posted November 27, 2006 3:36:07 AM
[mdx] Cpu usage on mesh.DrawSubset() Wow, thanks a lot for your replies! I'll read all this stuff and see what I can do. Thanks agian.  
Posted May 23, 2006 5:04:01 AM
[mdx] Cpu usage on mesh.DrawSubset() I didn't count the exact number of calls (I will) but from number of subsets of meshes Iknow it's around 400. One meshes had more than 150 subsets! So if what you say is true what should I do for a scene with more than 500 objects visible at a t... 
Posted May 23, 2006 1:05:31 AM
[mdx] Cpu usage on mesh.DrawSubset() According to VS2005 the bottleneck is DrawSubset() but thanks for the tip. I may did something wrong (bad state management,...) so DrawSubset() takes that long, or that's just normal and I should lower the number of calls (creating big chunks of vert... 
Posted May 22, 2006 3:36:58 PM
[mdx] Cpu usage on mesh.DrawSubset() Engine is used for a role playing game (Terrain + Animated meshes + static meshes). All stuff is rendered using HLSL effect files. I profiled it for an early demo of the game with a really tiny scene. The demo run at 54 fps (1024x768) on a radeo... 
Posted May 22, 2006 3:24:50 PM
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