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Full Name Ben Smith
Nickname bensmith87 
State/Province, Country Victoria   Australia
GD Gathering City Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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Member Since 7/2/2008 9:34:09 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Editor I've writing this little scene graph editor, mainly to learn the Qt toolkit. A little info of the editor... * OpenGL and Glew for extension handling (only VBO's at the moment) * My own primitive graphics engine (not even any culling implemented... 
Posted August 24, 2009 12:47:48 PM
Qt Simple Tree Model Question Hi, I'm working on my own scene editor for my game engine using Qt. I have implemented a tree view with a custom model to represent my scene graph, and it works great, I'm able to add and delete nodes. However, the root node is not visible... 
Posted July 25, 2009 6:04:35 PM
[SOLVED] QGLWidget and glew Hi, I'm in the process of making an editor for an engine I'm working on. Just a learning experience really. Anyway, my call to glewInit() fails. Here is the relevant code... class Renderer : public QGLWidget { public: Renderer();... 
Posted July 21, 2009 6:01:33 AM
GUI Design Questions Hi all, I'm writing a GUI, I have a couple of reasons to do so, to improve my OO skills, and so that I can use it in future projects. Here is what I have written so far. It should compile under Linux if linked with the libs SDL, SDL_ttf and SDL... 
Posted March 15, 2009 9:26:10 PM
Physics on Tree Model Hi, I've written a short program that simulates a tree growing, it is based on one of Hugo Elias's tutorials (they are all amazing). I'm using a "tree" data structure to store... 
Posted September 23, 2008 6:21:16 PM
How should I store Vertex data for a mesh. Hi All, Am am a bit confused as to how I should store the verticies for a mesh. Should I have an array of verticies that are shared by polygons, and have an array of polygons that say what verticies to connect, like what you get out from a model... 
Posted July 22, 2008 3:13:24 AM
How do I save a scene? Hey all, I'm currently working on a game/engine, just for educational sake, and I've come to a hurdle, I want to be able to save and load scenes from a file, I dont care if it is ascii or binary, but as I hope you can see from the scene class be... 
Posted July 7, 2008 1:30:00 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Genesis - library for cross-platform window and OpenGL context management. Just want to wish you luck, and I will be more than happy to test it. 
Posted September 25, 2010 6:00:47 PM
Hello, Everyone!! Quote:Original post by electron_theory with survival based gameplay based on morally challenging decisions... Like in your video, where after killing the guy, you repeatably squat on his head, and then run over his body a few times in t... 
Posted May 29, 2010 7:09:59 PM
vehicles : relation between motor torque and maximum velocity ? I think its something like... F_resistance = K + W * v^2; Where F_resistance is the resistance force, K represents rolling resistance coefficient, W is the air resistance coefficient, and v is the velocity. Now, your top speed will be reach... 
Posted May 25, 2010 8:36:09 AM
[C] Question - realloc I think you should use malloc the first time you allocate the memory. I'm guessing that it crashes because you pass realloc the uninitialized pointer 
Posted January 8, 2010 6:10:06 PM
Inheriting Rotation in Scene Nodes I have not tried this in 2D myself, but for each node you could store two transformation matrices, one for local transformation, and one for world transformation. Whenever a object moves or rotates, update its local matrix, calculate its... 
Posted November 15, 2009 3:21:12 AM
My first 3d project - please rate :) Looks great! Quote:Uniform variables, are automatically linked to UI. One quick question, what do you mean by this? 
Posted September 10, 2009 5:19:13 AM
CUDA Flocking Demo Wow, that is an awesome video, great work. 
Posted September 3, 2009 5:45:03 AM
Editor Quote:Original post by archnemesis I definitely want to peep at your source. I have been writing a simple engine and have no prior experience with programming a scene graph. I find this sort of thing so interesting that I finally signed up to the... 
Posted August 26, 2009 3:11:57 AM
Editor Ok, here is the source. It's not commented, and there are still a few little hacks that want to try and solve. Included it the Qt Creator project, works for me on Linux, I don't know if it will work for you :) Let me know if you have any prob... 
Posted August 25, 2009 5:29:36 PM
Absolute Beginner: How to create multiple same objects and animate them? Hi, I dont think that that array setup would work. Have you learnt about structs yet, they might make it easier for you. You could represent a box like... typedef struct Box { float x, y; float speed; float angle; } Box; ... 
Posted August 24, 2009 4:00:00 AM
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