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Member Since 6/7/2006 2:47:44 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Play Kami - Win friends. Influence people. Then screw them. Hi All, I am in the final throws of testing my multiplayer game Kami. Please let me know what you think. Suggestions, clarrifications, improvements, bugs etc. Thanks Dave 
Posted August 4, 2008 7:32:25 AM
Kami - Social Strategy Hi All, Check out the beta of my flash social strategy game "Kami". It's a beer and pretzels RTS. Novel real time strategy - 9 players in 9 minutes. See if you can beat the AI? It doesn’t cheat. 
Posted May 6, 2008 12:56:03 AM
Push Hi All, Moxy Studios has been working on a casual flash based multiplayer game - Push. The goal is to paint the map your colour and push you image out into the world. This is a peak at the visuals we are working towards on the flash... 
Posted September 27, 2007 9:50:33 AM
Sound for a Global RTS? Hi all, I am working on a 'Global RTS' which is nearing the end of development. As always sound has been left to the end largely because I don't have the skills or imagination to do it justice. I have two questions for the forum: 1. What... 
Posted June 8, 2006 1:40:27 AM
Global RTS Hi All, Check out the latest screen shots from our RTS game 'Global'. We hope to release in the next month or so.  
Posted July 4, 2006 9:54:32 AM
Standard End User Licencing Agreement Hi All, I am working on a title 'Global' which I is nearing commercial release. I am starting to think about the legal aspect, and in particular End User Licencing Agreements (EULA). Is there an 'Industry Standard' EULA out there that can... 
Posted June 25, 2006 11:22:24 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Sound for a Global RTS? Pedro has been busy burning the midnight oil and has the first cut at the Title Music. To my untrained ear it sounds fantastic. I am particularly happy with the tone that is set. I think that he has captured perfectly the conflict between Responsi... 
Posted August 2, 2006 8:52:59 PM
Global RTS Some more screenshots, featuring the revised gui. The GUI allows the player to: a) launch the game menu b) view the current game time c) control the game speed d) change the game views and e) display the player stats. The GUI shrinks and... 
Posted July 31, 2006 8:16:12 AM
Global RTS Hi again, here is the splash art that we will be using. Hopefully it conveys the key game concept. - Global Conflict. The text animates to show load progress. Is it obvious that the view is over Europe? We wanted to set the image in the real wo... 
Posted July 18, 2006 9:30:19 PM
Global RTS It didn't occur to me originally, but the border supply / encirclement is very similar to Go. Albeit in real time. The initial game will be Man v Machine and will just feature the mode shown in the screenshots which is "Campaign Mode". If that is... 
Posted July 13, 2006 4:51:34 AM
Sound for a Global RTS? Pedro Camacho has been commisioned to help us out with Music and FX and hopefully once he has overcome the problems he is having with his setup we should have something to showcase. After discussing it a bit further we opted to steer away fro... 
Posted July 9, 2006 8:17:55 AM
Global RTS Strategic Conquest was actually a pretty strong influence, as was Master of Orion. Part of the inspiration was to capture the epic scope that those games had but do it in real time setting so that the game can be played in hours rather than days. 
Posted July 4, 2006 11:26:53 PM
Global RTS The roll the player is given is Commander in Chief. There are thousands of underlings whose job it is to organise transports and specify the production of different and varied units. This frees the player up to focus on the Strategy rather than... 
Posted July 4, 2006 7:54:12 PM
Global RTS I have a pretty detailed overview of the gameplay here: The long term plan is to have two modes Campaign and Battle. We would allow the player to descend from Campaign into a Battle mode to take charge of impo... 
Posted July 4, 2006 7:03:07 PM
Standard End User Licencing Agreement Thanks smitty for the link. I did consult my Lawyer who quoted $3000. On the point of Division v Battalion. Each Army may have 100's of component units. The thinking was that these more closely reflect Battalions in size than Divisions. My unde... 
Posted June 26, 2006 12:43:09 AM
Sound for a Global RTS? I expect a level to take between 1 to 2 hours to complete. The demo half an hour. I am new to this sound thing, but after thinking about it, the feeling I think most appropriate is 'responsibility'. Again I don't know what that sounds like, but if... 
Posted June 9, 2006 5:26:11 AM
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