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Full Name Mihai Cozma
Nickname meeshoo 
State/Province, Country Cluj   Romania
GD Gathering City Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania
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Member Since 6/16/2002 7:21:10 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Converting from other formats to DDS using DevIL I'm trying to use DevIL (through Tao) to import images from various formats and convert them to DDS (also doing some other processing like resizing, building mipmaps and so on). I manage to load the file (and display it to the user as a preview)... 
Posted November 8, 2010 8:36:07 AM
Designing a game engine... Hello, In the past couple of weeks I started the (huge) task of designing a game engine from the ground up. I have read a couple of books that were good and I learned something from each one, but still the task proves very difficult. I am try... 
Posted September 7, 2010 8:57:34 AM
Portable game engine - C or C++? Hello guys, I've begun research for coding a cross-platform, portable game engine (rendering engine at first). Before you ask, this engine is not because I want to build a specific game with it, it is more of an exercise, a general purpose renderi... 
Posted September 1, 2010 1:05:49 PM
Best framework for 2D game? Hello there, I have recently finished designing a nice game that I want to implement and I am looking for a framework that will allow me to program it fast and easy First of all I would prefer something in .NET(but not XNA) as it is a very simp... 
Posted February 26, 2010 12:41:29 PM
Vortex Arena Hello. Vortex Arena is a free game (actually it's not quite finished, more of a game prototype intended to expose a game design idea that I had) that me and a friend put up together last year in our free time. You can check the project here:... 
Posted January 16, 2010 1:23:37 PM
Camera Panning Hello, I am trying to implement camera panning in a directX application. So far I've done orbiting and zooming, but i got stuck in panning. Here is what I tried to do: Because I have a camera system based on the position of the camera in w... 
Posted September 7, 2009 5:18:45 AM
Character Designer / 2D Artist for an action/adventure project Team name: New Edge Studios ( (registered as a software/design company in Romania, no activity yet thoough) Project name: Working title, we don't have a precise name for it. Brief description: Our project is a single... 
Posted August 16, 2006 10:03:34 AM
Opinions on a Level Editor Hi. I want to start coding a level editor for our action/adventure game. I will develop it along with the engine(I am using .Net for everything) so I have a question: Which is best: 1. Having an in game editor, with custom interface made in direc... 
Posted July 21, 2006 5:27:05 AM
Help solving my dilemma (technology question) Hi there. Well, I've started programming on a game engine abou 5 months ago. It is written completly using the .NET framework (2.0, C#, Boo) and it's using the .Net 1.1 version of MDX. The problem is I've read on Tom Miller's blog that actu... 
Posted July 16, 2006 6:55:57 PM
Bezier control points Hi guys. I'm having in my application some 2D cubic bezier curves, that I'm rendering using the De Casteljau algorithm. If the user places the mouse over the curve, I'm also detecting and rendering a possible insertion point. If the user clicks, a ne... 
Posted April 11, 2006 6:13:22 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Ocean Shader Not an expert in shaders, but I'm sure the water is not looking realistic (if that was the point of this). It is too shiny (don't know if it's the best term to describe it), but your shot looks more close to mercury than to water to say so. I think y... 
Posted December 20, 2010 6:30:52 AM
Save HeightMap to file 255 levels of height won't cut it in all circumstances. You might want more, and that means using 16 bit instead of 8 for representing them. That really should be enough for anything you can imagine game related. The way you encode it in the file it... 
Posted December 9, 2010 2:32:01 PM
Visual Studio 2010: Opinions? For me it works much better than 2008 (I do WPF work and also driver development work, so a lit bit of both ends) and I just love it. It is true it is a little slow when designing complex WPF interfaces, but in my opinion is a very solid piece of sof... 
Posted December 2, 2010 4:21:11 AM
C help! This looks like your homework:) A suggestion would be to use strtok to tokenize the string by the space character, then get only the members you want and use atol (or a variation of it) to convert them to integers. 
Posted December 1, 2010 4:19:48 AM
Where is the COLLADA SDK? Those online projects (similar to the ones on need a SVN client (source control software) to be donwloaded and used. Install for example TortoiseSVN and use that to checkout all files in a folder. 
Posted November 30, 2010 11:44:44 AM
Converting from other formats to DDS using DevIL I found the issue. The problem is that Tao in it's latest implementation (v2.1) uses internally the .dll of DevIL 1.6.6, which doesn't have DDS saving implemented (although strange enough, it did saved using the SaveImage). I have tried using the .dl... 
Posted November 8, 2010 4:52:45 PM
Converting from other formats to DDS using DevIL Same error with those too, even with the no compression one. But it works with TGA and BMP. 
Posted November 8, 2010 1:39:58 PM
True Role Playing Game It's hard for me to put all my thoughts down regarding this issue (I'm not an English native speaker), but I'll try. You mentioned the fact that RP forums have their own medium, which is writing. That is the exact reason why they are closer to ro... 
Posted November 3, 2010 6:53:27 AM
GLSL mean filter Gaussian blur is a high quality blur technique, you could get away with cheaper and not so good looking techniques for real time applications. I haven't done a blur filter myself for real time applications, only for image processing, so I ca... 
Posted October 28, 2010 5:31:15 AM
Building normals array for glDrawElements() Quote:Original post by Brother Bob I said exactly one normal for each vertex. So if you have 30 vertices, you need 30 normals; one for each vertex. A vertex that has two different normals are two different vertices, and cannot be shared... 
Posted October 28, 2010 5:14:44 AM
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