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Nickname badkeeper 
State/Province, Country Anhui   China
GD Gathering City Changtu, Anhui, China
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Member Since 6/4/2005 4:32:31 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Some picture of old project There are some picture of my one year old 3D engine project - MAY. I don't like the cloud effect which use a simplify algorithm find in game program gem. Maybe use some volume rendering tech will improve the visual . You can find more pictu... 
Posted July 3, 2007 10:39:57 AM
Question about mgs tranlate between windows and linux Hi guys we are developing a mmorpg with both windows server and linux server. today we meet a strang question. When the player enter game, the linux DB Server should send some player data to the windows GameServer. It will send 7 msg independent,... 
Posted February 4, 2010 8:36:37 AM
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