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Member Since 3/12/2009 1:20:08 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Mithra - Episode 1, Chapter 1 This is the first chapter of episode 1 of the XBOX360 Live Community Game "Mithra". We used XNA Framework and C# for programming the game and the tools (Level Editor, Particle Editor...). As you can see we're trying to release the game in an episo... 
Posted March 12, 2009 4:58:08 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Mithra - Episode 1, Chapter 1 As for the PC version of the game I always maintain a running Windows version for in-house testing, capturing game footage, screen shots etc. We initially had plans to release the game for Windows, but for marketing reasons we don't have any curre... 
Posted March 17, 2009 4:34:06 PM
Mithra - Episode 1, Chapter 1 Thanks. You should also check out "CarneyVale Showtime", it's a really impressive community game. About the artists we have 1 concept artist and 3 3D artists. 1 for 3D objects modeling and texturing. 1 for rigging and additional modeling and 1 fo... 
Posted March 17, 2009 11:51:09 AM
Mithra - Episode 1, Chapter 1 Although I didn't have any expectations to see improvements in PC version of the game, after all those optimizations I could get around 100+ fps in same room and the same CPU; And of course there was a lot less hick-ups and slow downs due to less gar... 
Posted March 13, 2009 8:57:20 AM
Mithra - Episode 1, Chapter 1 Oh, and I'm using a notebook with a Core2 Duo 1.66 GHz CPU to get the 60fps. Of course I lower down the graphics quality so the GPU is not a bottleneck. Currently the engine is not using more than one core but I have plans to do some multi-thre... 
Posted March 13, 2009 8:52:16 AM
Mithra - Episode 1, Chapter 1 I think at first there were multiple megabytes of garbage per second and after optimizations I could lower it to around 1MB in every 30 seconds. I'm going to optimize the engine some more to lower this amount event more in our future releases. I'v... 
Posted March 13, 2009 8:46:21 AM
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