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State/Province, Country Western Finland   Finland
GD Gathering City Turku, Western Finland, Finland
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Member Since 8/7/2005 4:16:29 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
boost::shared_ptr and stack overflow I converted my program to use boost::shared_ptr instead of normal pointers. I have class with std::vector with shared pointers in it and when I clear the vector I got crash with stack overflow and access violation in the vector. This is my first time... 
Posted August 13, 2007 7:39:14 PM
Disabling mouse cursor in console (Windows API, Visual C++) When I switch console to full screen the mouse arrow changes to a blocky mouse cursor. I don't mean the text cursor (I know I can disable it with SetConsoleCursorInfo function). How can I disable the mouse cursor in full screen console? [Edited by... 
Posted August 9, 2007 2:43:12 PM
Yet Another Map Generator I like to watch these images and today I decided to contribute something. Nothing fancy but I'm satisfied with the results so far. I've been playing with an idea to create a roguelike game with completely randomized world. I decided to start by ma... 
Posted July 23, 2007 9:38:17 AM
PhysFS reads/writes result "access denied" I tried to make little modifications to TinyXML so it could use PhysFS for reading and writing but I all attempts to read/write result error "access denied". Sounds like Linux problem but I have Windows 2000. What am I doing wrong? Edit: Modified... 
Posted September 2, 2005 4:59:09 AM
Problem with DirectX 9 using MinGW I'm trying to use DirectX 9 with MinGW. It worked well until I started using DirectX utilities (libd3dx9.a). First it took long time to find that file (I had some DirectX package with only libd3dx9d.a). But even with that file I got this linker... 
Posted August 7, 2005 4:25:01 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Disabling mouse cursor in console (Windows API, Visual C++) ShowCursor doesn't seem to work in full screen console. 
Posted August 9, 2007 2:52:26 PM
hxRender 3.0 There is some kind of a bug in hxsLoadSurface function. It crashes with some images. I haven't found out what's causing it. Has anyone else noticed it? Edit: I use SDL_image to load images. Could it be something with non-BMP formats? 
Posted February 2, 2007 11:57:17 AM
File Management with SDL Look for functions findfirst and findnext. I'm not sure but I think they are OS-dependant though. Edit: Not SDL functions, but AFAIK SDL doesn't have ways to get directory listing. 
Posted September 3, 2005 6:20:50 AM
PhysFS reads/writes result "access denied" I tried setting write directory to NULL this time. Now I think I have found where the problem is. This part of my code does what it should do: while(PHYSFS_read( file, buf, sizeof(char), 2048 )>0) { data += buf; } (data.c_str() return... 
Posted September 3, 2005 6:10:59 AM
PhysFS reads/writes result "access denied" Now I have set the write dir but still get error from PHYSFS_read. This time "Archive is read-only". Why am I getting this when I am trying to read a file? Edit: Ok, it seems that this error comes from PHYSFS_setWriteDir but I can't still see why.... 
Posted September 2, 2005 5:21:03 AM
Problem with DirectX 9 using MinGW I tried that but for some reason reimping d3dx9.lib doesn't produce libd3dx9.a (there are some other lib files too that can't be reimped). I solved the problem using debug version (libd3dx9d.a) but it would be nice to know if someone had a working ve... 
Posted August 11, 2005 8:01:27 AM
Problem with DirectX 9 using MinGW I checked the DirectX package's text files and it says that libd3dx9.a is only 1% done. Maybe that's why it doesn't work? Is there completely working DirectX 9 package for MinGW? 
Posted August 8, 2005 4:17:36 AM
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