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Get to know cow_in_the_well...  GDNet+
Full Name Thomas 
Nickname cow_in_the_well 
State/Province, Country New South Wales   Australia
GD Gathering City Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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ICQ ID 27660282 
AIM ID CowInTheWell 
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Current Occupation
Job Title Programmer 
Job Description I maek teh MMOs~ 
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Member Since 4/9/2000 12:28:29 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Bitmap fonts with GDI+ I'm trying to get cleartype to work when generating bitmap font glyphs (using GDI+ and copying the generated glyphs into a texture). It all works, except when I try to use TextRenderingHintClearTypeGridFit (via graphics->SetTextRenderingHint), it... 
Posted May 6, 2010 1:34:59 AM
Mouse position + raw input Hi, I've got raw input working for mouse input in my thing and it works great for delta-based input (high-res mouse movement). For the GUI system, I'm just using GetCursorPos in the mouse button event handler to get the position of the hardware mouse... 
Posted December 16, 2009 12:28:21 AM
WM_INPUT for keyboard - worth it? Hi, So DirectInput has been mostly deprecated (for keyboard and mouse) and everyone is saying to use WM_INPUT instead. So this is what I've done, for both keyboard and mouse. However, I'm wondering if is there actually any real advantage to using... 
Posted January 4, 2009 9:09:41 PM
Mango Game Engine UPDATE: get a video of the techdemo in action here These are some rather old (about a year) screenshots of the engine I've been working on (I've been meaning to post these here for ages -_-). It 
Posted October 9, 2006 8:41:59 PM
Mapping clip space coords to pixels Hi, my problem is thus: I'm representing a GUI window in -1 to 1 clip space coordinates, which is a quad. Now, I want to clip child GUI components to the region of the parent window, so I'm using a scissor rectangle which somewhat works. The p... 
Posted June 24, 2008 4:02:28 AM
Crash bug + some questions Hi, I'm currently evaluating AngelScript, playing around with the tutorial project (the 2.9.1 release). Modifying "" to look like this: class Pie { void foo() { Print( "In Pie::foo\n" ); } } float calc(float a, float b)... 
Posted September 8, 2007 3:47:59 AM
Autodesk acquires Alias Autodesk acquires AliasPosted by: Thomas Cowell at October 4, 2005 9:01:47 PMIn a surprise move, Autodesk has announce the intention to acquire Alias for $182 million cash. http://usa.autodesk... 
Posted October 4, 2005 9:01:47 PM
VC2005 Express Tools Folder Hi, I'm trying to set up and automated build script for my project. I need to get the tools folder containing (ie. "E:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\Tools") vcvars.bat so I can run that in my script. For older versions of MSVC I... 
Posted November 22, 2005 5:48:18 PM
My bot is not an ambiturner :( Hi, I've created a simple waypoint graph navigation system for my FPS style game, and it's all working great: I solve and smooth a shortest path to the target position and the dude will run along and end up at the target location. There is &#... 
Posted September 16, 2005 9:54:48 AM
ARGH! The debugger is killing me here!! Uhm, hi. I just had a somewhat successful day playing with SWIG to expose my legacy C++ code to C#. I can now use my engine (implemented in C++) from C#. Now, I find that it won't let me step into the unmanaged C++ code from the managed code (interfa... 
Posted August 15, 2005 9:21:09 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Bitmap fonts with GDI+ Hmm, thanks for the idea - I might experiment with that... -Thomas 
Posted May 6, 2010 8:56:43 PM
Mouse position + raw input Hey thanks for the replies - thought I'd let you know what I ended up doing. a. For mouse buttons, I switched to simply using WM_LBUTTONDOWN/UP, etc. These messages pass the mouse position when the event occured, and moving to these messages was p... 
Posted December 21, 2009 11:04:48 PM
WM_INPUT for keyboard - worth it? :D! My suspicions paid off - WM_CHAR/WM_DEADCHAR was still being called even though I was returning 0 from WM_INPUT. I set the RIDEV_NOLEGACY flag on my call to RegisterRawInputDevices and ToUnicodeEx works perfectly, just as expected :). Tha... 
Posted January 8, 2009 1:55:53 AM
WM_INPUT for keyboard - worth it? Nah that doesn't make any difference unfortunately. Just as proof that it's not handling the dead-keys for me, I press two "'" in a row: ToUnicodeEx: result is -1 (39 0 8339 126) ToUnicodeEx: result is -1 (39 0 8339 126) You would have thought... 
Posted January 8, 2009 1:28:03 AM
WM_INPUT for keyboard - worth it? I do receive WM_CHAR, it's just that I need to store which key event generated the char event (so I can decide later on whether I want to allow the char to go through to the scripts). Anyway, looking at the documentation that's how I thought... 
Posted January 8, 2009 12:34:19 AM
WM_INPUT for keyboard - worth it? Cool - I am now mapping scancode to VK using MapVirtualKey thanks steve. I can distinguish between all left/rights now. My problem now is I need to associate the WM_CHAR with the WM_KEYDOWN that generated it, so I can no longer rely on just usin... 
Posted January 7, 2009 11:28:46 PM
WM_INPUT for keyboard - worth it? Okay - found a reason to use WM_INPUT for keyboard. I want to get events for individual left shift/right shift. Unfortunately WM_KEYDOWN/KEYUP is only sent once for VK_SHIFT even if you press both keys. WM_INPUT gets the keydown event for b... 
Posted January 7, 2009 12:10:43 AM
WM_INPUT for keyboard - worth it? Thanks Matt, much appreciated. 
Posted January 5, 2009 7:25:30 PM
WM_INPUT for keyboard - worth it? Ah yes. I am actually needing to use WM_CHAR for text input (one of the main reasons for dropping DInput -_^). So I might as well use WM_KEY* for all keyboard stuff. There's no real issue with doing mouse/keyboard in different ways. Thanks. -Th... 
Posted January 4, 2009 11:12:19 PM
Animation in Assassin's Creed Probably more important the raw animation data itself is how these animations blend together and transition from one to another (e.g. only transition from A to B when the right foot has hit the ground at the correct angle). We've had mo-cap... 
Posted February 13, 2008 1:28:54 AM
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