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Member Since 8/11/2000 3:09:20 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
iPhone Release : Slam! I've finally managed to knock out my first iPhone / iPod Touch game - with the awesome pixel talents of Pixeldad... It's a simple "match-em-up" - initially set across 50 levels - that stretches your memory, reflexes, and pattern recognition to th... 
Posted March 21, 2010 11:04:07 PM
Freelance jobs through "the Hub" Hi all, I've decided to try my hand at something I've long thought would be useful in the games industry - some kind of "game dev centric" job networking site - along the lines of, but just for games. I've got a survey I'd l... 
Posted May 19, 2008 1:37:33 PM
Gemstars Finally, years of spare time coding have resulted in something I'd happily show the WWW! So I thought I'd post an IOTD here, to show everyone the results of my time spent browsing and NeHe's site... I've been working on my own eng... 
Posted March 16, 2008 7:56:45 PM
Plugins - how to approach coding them? I’ve knocked up my own model editor - and to round it off I’d like to add importers using plugins so I can just pop em off as and when. Can anyone point me somewhere that would help? I’ve never used/coded plugins before, and I&rs... 
Posted August 16, 2002 11:52:59 AM
Normals & Lighting... A Newbie to OpenGL writes... Having spent a few days and 6-8 hours going through the tutorials, I am now loading my own text-file defined models and textures into my little engine and I am well chuffed. However - I am now calculating my own Nor... 
Posted August 11, 2000 3:09:37 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
iPhone Release : Slam! Lawks! I thought this one was long dead :) Thanks for the positive feedback - I still like this game myself. A video can be found on youtube ; I'm still chiselling awa... 
Posted September 5, 2010 9:30:24 AM
Gemstars Cheers ChugginWindex :) Somehow in my huge posting, I neglected the language! You guess correctly - C++ It is indeed ideally suited to XBLA, and PDA's / Mobiles etc. My hopes are that if it proves worthwhile, I'll dig into XNA and begin porting... 
Posted March 18, 2008 4:57:35 AM
Infinity's planetary engine Usually, I don't bother commenting on others work - usually because others have done a good enough job already. This is an exception, for an exceptional piece of work. I've been following Ysaneya's Infinity for some time and always been amaze... 
Posted December 21, 2005 2:08:36 PM
Finishing my engine (problems with motivation) As a Software Engineer with OCECD (Obsessive Compulsive Engine Coding Disorder) I can say with (a little) authority, that everyone so far has offered sage words of advice - heed them well! When I look back at my own engine, I could almost cry at t... 
Posted March 28, 2005 12:20:49 PM
Hey all you would-be article writers Apologies if this has already been mentioned - time is short at the mo so I haven’t read the entire thread :D What about an Article & Resource path for tools programming? (I mentioned this in my recent thread asking about plugins...) I kn... 
Posted August 18, 2002 9:43:23 AM
Sharing data between classes Or - just make your resource manager class a singleton - ie CTextureManager. Your new class asks it to /make sure/ the resources it needs are loaded. CTextureManager then checks its own lists/array (whatever) for the resource, if it isn’... 
Posted August 18, 2002 9:36:51 AM
Access SQL Problem... Use CONVERT instead of CAST This may be no help - I know this is how to do it in Microsoft SQL - but as for Access... afraid I don’t have it installed (cos it is just above "Mostly Useless" for databases... )  
Posted August 18, 2002 9:29:42 AM
Plugins - how to approach coding them? Okay chaps - thanks for the pointer Also managed to skulk around the web and found this link which may prove useful for others who tread this path...  
Posted August 16, 2002 6:06:25 PM
Normals & Lighting... Guys - thanks! GA - pasted the new bit of code in and it didn’t work! Think there is something fundamentally wrong with my function somewhere. Harry - Don’t despair - your effort won’t be wasted. I’ll restructure my co... 
Posted August 13, 2000 7:12:46 AM
Question About Moving A Vector in 3d Space Sigh - sad isn’t it? Mr. Anonymous 1 - take your dick envy and go away. Mr. Anonymous 2 - well said Sir/Madam! TipTup - don’t put up with this lamer from the past - go shoot him, or challenge him to a code fest! Mr. Anon#1 - hee... 
Posted August 11, 2000 3:20:12 PM
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