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Get to know Arex...  
Full Name Arto Ruotsalainen
Nickname Arex 
State/Province, Country Southern Finland   Finland
GD Gathering City Helsinki, Southern Finland, Finland
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Member Since 7/1/2004 6:30:35 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Orcish Armageddon! Finally, after a long two years, my small real-time strategy game, which was previously known as Knights vs. Orcs, is starting to get ready. The game has been created with zero budget, which was one of the goals and a big challenge. I will write... 
Posted August 7, 2009 12:41:35 PM
Knights vs Orcs - New Release I have released second alpha of my small real-time strategy game: Link To News Knights vs. Orcs Download All feedback is more than welcome! Have fun! Screenshots:  
Posted August 2, 2009 12:40:23 AM
Are You Art Director I'm Looking For? Project name: Knights vs. Orcs. This is not the final name. Brief description: Been working on this for 1.5 years on my spare-time. Idea is to create fast phased real-time strategy based on fantasy world. Some features: - 4 un... 
Posted May 16, 2009 4:12:01 AM
Do You Have Product Development Problems? For a while I'v been thinking of ways how to participate in to more projects. So after some thinking I came in to a conclusion, the best way is to offer free help - you don't need to pay anything! Now I thought I could give it a shot here at the g... 
Posted May 18, 2009 2:50:20 PM
Real-Time Strategy Project: Knights vs. Orcs Hey all! This is a small real-time strategy game I have been working on for 1.5 years now on my spare time. Currently the project goes by the lousy name, knights vs. orcs. :) Let me know how it works out: Download Zip All feedb... 
Posted April 21, 2009 9:44:07 AM
'Knights Vs Orcs' - First Public Release I have been developing this small fantasy RTS under the 'knights vs orcs' codename for about a year now on my spare time. The game is based on a free movement (no tiles at all). Original blog post at my site : Post Download Screens... 
Posted January 3, 2009 8:57:37 AM
New in Dawn Bringer 3D Screenshot presents the new Dawn Bringer 3D effects : * Phong lighting * Tangent Space Bump Mapping * Cube Mapping And of course these can be combined. New features : - Pixel Shaders - Able to optimize mesh data by detecting GPU's verte... 
Posted November 18, 2006 8:49:59 PM
Specular light map Presenting box with diffuse & specular light map. Screenshot was taken with GeForce 4 MX 440, using Dawn Bringer 3D technology. Lighting is done with vertex shaders (v 1.1, one directional light), however gf4 mx440 doesn't support hw shaders,... 
Posted October 22, 2005 11:43:41 PM
Game Designer With Mad Art Skills Team name: Team name not decided, not important yet. Project name: Goes by the name Knights Vs. Orcs - not a final name. Brief description: I'v been doing the game logic itself for a few months, spent 6 months making the engine behind it.... 
Posted May 16, 2008 9:38:21 AM
Tips & Tricks Hola! I'll be moving some of my older Tips & Tricks that I have written at GameProducer.Net's Insiders - forum to my new website and continue adding more in there as it will serve more people, I hope. :) Thanks for your time! 
Posted January 2, 2008 3:41:37 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Conlan's Claim I love the art! :) Thumbs up! 
Posted August 29, 2009 5:16:41 AM
Hero Defense: New iPhone game released!! Damn, why haven't I bought an iPhone yet! Looks and sounds amazing! heh.. "Fifty years ago, a group of video game veterans.." - good one. :) I wish you the best luck!  
Posted August 3, 2009 11:05:54 AM
Knights vs Orcs - New Release It is 2D and the technology is fully my own, not using GPU nor any third party library like SDL for rendering. Everything is done on CPU as I wanted to go back to my roots doing software rendering. SDL is there for sounds.. when I get some of th... 
Posted August 3, 2009 9:13:35 AM
Are You Art Director I'm Looking For? Yeah, one audio guy would be great. I'll send you e-mail. 
Posted May 21, 2009 6:13:57 AM
Are You Art Director I'm Looking For? Bump. I'm still actively looking for excellent candidate. 
Posted May 18, 2009 2:42:27 PM
Real-Time Strategy Project: Knights vs. Orcs New version available at: Download Zip Changes: - Fixed some bugs related to melee fighting. - New enemy wave comes after you have killed the current one. Gives some time to regroup. - small changes.. Again, all feedback is more than we... 
Posted May 16, 2009 4:32:49 PM
Are You Art Director I'm Looking For? I'v been trying to minimize the user interface load on the screen as it is anyway so small. Maybe it could be optimized even more. Thanks for your thoughts! 
Posted May 16, 2009 2:42:31 PM
Are You Art Director I'm Looking For? No you didn't create any confusion. I think I did. :) It was pretty hard to really describe what I'm looking here as I need an artist who can do a bit of everything. There is something ready, but needs loads of polishing (some might need to be rec... 
Posted May 16, 2009 8:45:34 AM
Real-Time Strategy Project: Knights vs. Orcs Khado & Eagle11, thanks for the feedback! This just confirms I have listened the feedback right. I'll be releasing a new version soon that will change the orc waves system so that the player has to finish up with the current wave before the next ... 
Posted May 12, 2009 12:39:27 PM
Real-Time Strategy Project: Knights vs. Orcs Thanks for the feedback! Hmm.. so the your troops don't attack to the enemy if you select them and then right click to a enemy unit? Good point on the levels/waves, I'll definitely add a feature like that. 
Posted May 10, 2009 1:24:48 AM
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