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Get to know snoutmate...  
Full Name Jan Dvorak
Nickname snoutmate 
State/Province, Country Hlavni Mesto Praha   Czech Republic
GD Gathering City Praha, Hlavni Mesto Praha, Czech Republic
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Member Since 11/14/2006 1:24:03 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Sea Defender A simple missile command clone in 96kB, for linux/win/mac. A quick project i've originally intended as entry for Assembly gamedev compo, but couldn't complete in time. Been sitting on my disk for half a year, now i've finally got time to fi... 
Posted January 11, 2010 12:42:39 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
64 bit random number stuff Quote:int roll_die() { shouldn't that be Quote:int64_t roll_die() { ? 
Posted December 4, 2010 10:27:56 AM
glGetUniform Problems std::string CGLShaderProgram::GetInfoLog ( void ) { std::string StatusString; int Size; glGetShaderiv ( ShaderProgram, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &Size ); glCheckError(); if ( Size <= 0 ) return ""; StatusS... 
Posted November 25, 2010 8:39:59 AM
Triangle Rasterization Quote:Original post by Sethcran glVertex2f( x, y ); // this call outputs pixel with color state set previously by glColor glColor3f( r, g, b ); // this merely updates the color state Is this intended ? If not, try switching the calls around.... 
Posted November 20, 2010 6:15:32 PM
Water shader - need help To reverse transformations done by particular matrix, you have to multiply by inverted matrix, not transposed. 
Posted January 31, 2010 7:57:43 AM
Sea Defender Quote:Original post by michiganreddevil Caution!!! My virusscanner tells me that there is a trojan horse in the Name: TR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen2 Maybe it is a false alarm but I wanted to tell you that. Yeah, it's false alarm due to the... 
Posted January 18, 2010 4:34:26 AM
libgd Mac OS X "-lgd" ? 
Posted December 29, 2009 8:04:25 PM
2D Texture Rendering Methods/Questions Quote:Original post by cmc5788 I've also tried creating high-res textures and then scaling them down with mipmap filtering, but that "blurs" the entire texture and seems to reduce overall quality, so I don't really like it. Mipmaping quality can... 
Posted December 29, 2009 10:04:32 AM
A few cross-platform OpenGL questions 1) You don't need additional headers unless you use the functions in them directly in your code. The windows.h on windows is exception. Note that on Mac, gl.h etc. are under OpenGL/ directory instead of GL/ like on win and linux. 2)... 
Posted December 18, 2009 10:53:13 AM
Drawing Cube Segmentation Fault You never call your BuildLists function. 
Posted December 9, 2009 7:15:17 PM
OpenGL: glScale(1,1,1) + lighting screws up quad rendering!? That code posted is correct. The bug is with 99.9% probability in the Intel's OpenGL implementation. Intel has been always struggling with OpenGL support, even for newer cards (GMA 9xx, GMA Xxxx), 82815 chipset is some 9 years old, so don't expect an... 
Posted December 2, 2009 3:58:53 PM
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