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Get to know Josepho...  
Full Name Josepho P
Nickname Josepho 
State/Province, Country Comunidad Valenciana   Spain
GD Gathering City Valencia, Comunidad Valenciana, Spain
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Member Since 3/14/2005 12:44:37 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Easter Avenger Easter Avenger is the second game of Questtracers, a platform game in wich we have to help Pascual, an easter egg, in the quest of the easter rabbit, who has killed to Pascual 's father, to take revenge! Special features: -> All graphics and m... 
Posted April 16, 2006 10:33:26 AM
Rounded Bugs Ex Oh no! Bugs are invading "The Program", the Trieyed bug have kidnapped the Vip Bug, the Vip Bug is who research new methods for killing bugs. He was clever and before been kidnapped, he activated an alarm that warn the cursors that they had to come q... 
Posted October 27, 2005 12:25:10 AM
Rounded Bugs Ex - Free Complete game! Oh no! Bugs are invading "The Program", the Trieyed bug have kidnapped the Vip Bug, the Vip Bug is who research new methods for killing bugs. He was clever and before been kidnapped, he activated an alarm that warn the cursors that they had to come q... 
Posted October 25, 2005 1:03:04 PM
Super Punch Girl Hi, I am newbie on the forums, I want to present you my project, I dont know if i will make shareware or freeware, yet, but well .. Super Punch Girl is a wip created by QuestTracers a team founded by Sakura the spriter, Highwaydog the muscian... 
Posted March 14, 2005 1:27:47 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Easter Avenger Yeah, untitled was very good ^_^ Thank you for the comments! 
Posted April 18, 2006 3:49:17 PM
Rounded Bugs Ex - Free Complete game! Oops, Thankiu TDragon 
Posted October 25, 2005 1:11:28 PM
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