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Member Since 2/17/2003 3:50:21 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
PSSM shadow problems Hello I am trying to implement PSSM shadows in the engine and so far most things seem to be correct. There is problem i have with the splits. The frustum seems to get split correctly but when i sample the shadow maps, things go wrong for all sh... 
Posted October 22, 2008 10:08:42 AM
Masters of Belial [XNA] Hi gyes! This is a screenshot from an indie game i am doing, all done in XNA. This screenshot features Focused Shadow Mapping with 7x7 PCF and Low Dynamic Range Lighting Terrain and enviroment objects are all normaled mapped. There are 5 lig... 
Posted February 19, 2008 11:44:33 AM
Shadow map Artifact from Self Shadowing Hello everyone i have a self shadowing problem using shadow maps the shadows work just fine except some spots which look like in the picture below does anyone know whats wrong and how to fix it ? :P ... 
Posted July 2, 2006 6:15:57 PM
uploading a struct into HLSL file Hi I have the following struct and variable in my HLSL file struct OmniLightStruc { float3 Position; float3 Color; float Intensity; }; OmniLightStruc LightPixelOmni[3] : LightPixelOmni; I have a problem with uploading the data to... 
Posted June 23, 2006 4:16:24 AM
C# and MDX slowdown issue Hi Basically i have a wierd framerate issue. when i start my game with debugging i get an fps of 150 however if i open the windows task manager up my framerate jumbs up to 300....... what is going on? Does anyone know? Thanks 
Posted April 7, 2006 11:31:59 AM
pixel shader won't compile with HLSL Hi i wrote a pixel shader using HLSL but it won’t compile as it is float4 PS_Specular(float3 IN_normal:COLOR0, float3 IN_view:COLOR1) : COLOR { float3 normal = (IN_normal - 0.5) * 2; float3 halfangle = (IN_view - 0.5) * 2; float... 
Posted May 7, 2003 12:05:31 PM
pixel shader 1.3 limitation problem hi when i output from a vertex shader a Light Direction and a vertex normal as TEXCOORD the pixel shader receives those vectors clamped in the 0-1 range how do get those vectors on a pixel shader without being clamped? i am trying to conv... 
Posted April 28, 2003 3:03:02 PM
screen coords to world coords Hi does anyone know how to convert screen(mouse) coordinates to world coordinates when using orthographic projection i would really appreciate it if anyone could help me with this, i’ve looked everywhere for a solution but i couldn’... 
Posted April 6, 2003 11:30:20 AM
stack overflow with deep linked list hi i create a very deep linked list and i get a stack overflow error this happens only when the linked list is very deep does anyone know why? thanks 
Posted March 14, 2003 3:08:17 AM
t3d uv coordinates Hi i am trying to calculate the uv coordinates for every vertex from the unreal t3d format but i have some problems with it i am currently generating the uv coordinates for every vertex in a face like this p0 = ORIGIN; for(int i=0;i = D3DXVec... 
Posted March 8, 2003 11:52:32 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
PSSM shadow problems Thanks a lot bomb, i took another carefull look at the params of the shader and found something silly! :P  
Posted October 22, 2008 5:02:22 PM
PSSM shadow problems just to describe the problem again, if the frustum is split in 3 (Red, green, blue) the red area renders fine, the green and blue area however is all white. this is where the PSSM calculations are happening public class PSSMHelpers { ... 
Posted October 22, 2008 12:34:46 PM
Masters of Belial [XNA] ya those umlauts are in the process of removal. i changed the font but now need to update the website :P You can play daemon and angel heroes. The first angel is the angel of death which looks like the grim reaper with angelic wings. Baphomet w... 
Posted February 22, 2008 1:03:39 PM
Masters of Belial [XNA] the whole level and lights are exported from 3dsmax into the .ase file format and then get converted to a game level. entities and triggers are "hardcoded" so to speak when the level loads. for collision i select all the floor triangles i wan... 
Posted February 21, 2008 10:20:50 PM
Masters of Belial [XNA] Ya the umlauts need to be removed, they look cool for someone who doesnt speak the language hehe :) but obviously for people who do its a whole different story. this game is programmed/directed all by me, characters, interface and scene models wer... 
Posted February 20, 2008 12:16:00 PM
Masters of Belial [XNA] Thanks for the great comments! I am gonna move the skinning to GPU sometime next week hopefully! It's all C#/XNA programmed in visual c# express. Its really amazing what you can do with XNA. Now once microsoft gives me some money, maybe i... 
Posted February 20, 2008 8:11:53 AM
HLSL Structures Hi there i had similar problems awhile ago and the code i use tha works is as follows float[] omni_light_data = new float[omni_lights.Length * 8]; for (int i = 0; i < omni_lights.Length; ++i) { ... 
Posted August 31, 2006 5:11:56 AM
Shadow map Artifact from Self Shadowing I have been playing with the zbias the last couple of days almost as much as i have with my willy... :P i guess i will have to move on to techniques such as VSM or PCF thx for the ideas gyes 
Posted July 3, 2006 7:16:15 AM
how to calculate setLookAt() for my models???? this is what i do in my game to rotate the model to where the mouse cursor is on the screen. note that all models look on the +x axis at bind pose otherwise you will get an incorent look at, to fix it you propably will either need to t... 
Posted June 30, 2006 4:35:23 AM
[MDX] Forms and SDK versions in the user control code i think there is a problem with this line this.Invalidate(); in that function protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) { } if you comment out the invalidate it should be fine  
Posted April 9, 2006 5:01:43 PM
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