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Member Since 12/29/2006 7:11:50 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Oh no! Not another Tetris clone! I whipped up this mainly as a means of testing my graphics engine. Lord knows there's already enough Tetris clones out there. But it's amazing how many bugs you find in your graphics code during the course of writing something as simple as this. H... 
Posted January 11, 2007 11:00:29 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Singleton Question Quote:Original post by Spoonbender So where would you say the use of singletons would be justified? (And as Promit said, an awful lot of people will praise anything for its wonderful OO design as long as it has classes and singletons) I have n... 
Posted January 27, 2007 6:02:24 PM
Singleton Question People will tell you that singletons are the tool of the devil, but everything has a place. They key is not to overuse them. Some projects that are lauded as fine examples of OOP, like Ogre3D, use singletons. Singleton.h #pragma once ... 
Posted January 26, 2007 11:21:38 PM
Managed programming...? Just a note: even with managed code, there are situations where you have to do some deallocation yourself. A good example would be using a .Net library that wraps a native library, like Managed DirectX does. In this case you still need to call the... 
Posted January 25, 2007 4:22:54 PM
Help With OOP Quote:Original post by Uphoreum I'm not really trying to get other people to use it, the class was just so proprietary. I was trying to make it reusable. Actually, I was really just trying to make it an overall better class. I was just doing what Te... 
Posted January 24, 2007 7:07:54 PM
Help With OOP Quote:The problem is, in XNA, there is a method, LoadGraphicsContent, that you override. That is called when the program needs to reload any graphics. All the graphics loading code has to be in the LoadGraphicsContent method, seperate from everything... 
Posted January 24, 2007 6:06:31 PM
Oh no! Not another Tetris clone! Quote:Original post by blanky When I heard you say SDL I figured you were using SDL.Net, but after you mentioned that last part, 'The Mac port of SDL', I guess not. Maybe you might look into it, it might make things easier? I don't know, I tried it... 
Posted January 15, 2007 4:39:06 PM
Oh no! Not another Tetris clone! Quote:Original post by chrisjubb How important do you think it is to provide Mac and Linux ports for indie download games? I have a game written in C++ using OpenGL. I'm assuming a port to Linux would be straight forward. Unfortunately I've had n... 
Posted January 12, 2007 9:50:56 AM
Support for multiple rendering systems Yes, going the Ogre3D route of creating some sort of RenderSystem interface and doing different implementations is the way to go. Load the implementation you want at runtime, and voila! This can be a hassle and a half, but I think it's worth it.... 
Posted January 11, 2007 12:59:25 PM
Singletons I think everything can have its place, and singletons are no exception. The key is to not overuse them, and to use them smartly. Personally I only use them as a factory (and in fact that's what Ogre3D generally uses them for, and that library... 
Posted January 9, 2007 4:09:14 AM
What Does XNA Lack? Managed directx 2.0 was abandoned. Managed directx 1.1 is still being maintained, though I don't think any new releases are coming. That's fine though, it's very stable and complete. And it works with .net 2.0, so long as you account for the loade... 
Posted December 30, 2006 9:33:29 PM
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