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Get to know googa...  
Full Name Gustavo Broering Duarte
Nickname googa 
State/Province, Country Santa Catarina   Brazil
GD Gathering City Lages, Santa Catarina, Brazil
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Member Since 10/22/2002 10:46:32 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Wonderquest, an Addictive free Turn-Based/Strategy game. Hi, I'm a 2D/3D game programmer from Brazil, and would like to announce the release of my new game: Wonderquest. Wonderquest is 100% free Turn-based/Strategy game. A story of nine people, from all around the world: A Beggar from USA. A Trekker... 
Posted July 3, 2006 12:03:21 PM
The best 2D engine nowadays.. Hi, I'm a 3d/2d game programmer. What I want to know is what's the best, free, and POWERFULL, 2D engine available at this time? I always used DirectDraw to make my 2D games. But now I want an engine capable of handling alpha transparency, rotation... 
Posted May 7, 2006 6:51:56 PM
Get application state. Hi, I'm programming a game here, and I have a problem: How can get the current application state (active/inactive) from within the game loop. (Windowed and full-screen). This is probably a very easy question, but I tried google in vain. Al... 
Posted April 26, 2006 2:15:45 AM
Drawpixel Problem What is wrong with my directdraw drawpixel function? #define _RGB16BIT565(r,g,b) ((b%32) + ((g%64) << 5) + ((r%32) << 11)) class CPixel { public: USHORT *Buffer; int MemPitch; inline void Plot(CPoint pt, UCHAR red, UCHA... 
Posted February 11, 2006 11:23:16 AM
Finishing a game - Text correction I think this is a rather unusual question. My name is Gustavo, I'm a 2d/3d game programmer, and I'm finishing my puzzle game called WonderQuest: There's a growing community around it: 
Posted February 8, 2006 1:11:09 PM
Couple Questions (Finishing a game) Hi, I'm almost done with my game, and I have 3 possibly easy questions: 1) How do I set the icon of my exe file? (I'm using visual c++ 6.0, Directx) 2) How can I create a link to open its webpage from inside my game? 3) What is the best complet... 
Posted January 26, 2006 2:27:27 PM
WonderQuest Hi, I am finishing a game called "WonderQuest" (~85% to completition), and need help with the following: *Playtesters *Sound and music *Graphics. *Level Creators *Web page creation The game will be freely available on Internet for dow... 
Posted November 1, 2005 8:49:06 PM
Multiple keys in java Hi, Can anyone help me.. I want to know how is the best way to know about a key state in java, if it´s pressed or not. (I´m a c++ programmer, java beginner). like GetKeystate() in c++.. THANKS A LOT!  
Posted July 4, 2005 5:59:54 PM
WonderQuest - Help Needed Hi, my name is Gustavo Broering Duarte. I am finishing a game called "WonderQuest" (~85% to completition), and need help with the following: *Playtesters *Sound and music *Graphics. *Level Creators *Web page creation The game will be freel... 
Posted June 19, 2005 8:03:18 PM
Distributing Fonts with Game? Hi, I have a problem.. How do i do to publish a game on internet with its own GDI font? Does this font need to be installed on the user system? For example I´m using : Txt.CreateFnt( FI_FUTURA, "Futura", 18); void CText::CreateF... 
Posted June 13, 2005 7:21:05 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Wonderquest, an Addictive free Turn-Based/Strategy game. John, I sent you an email. Just to make sure you got it. 
Posted September 2, 2006 1:17:57 AM
Wonderquest, an Addictive free Turn-Based/Strategy game. Valeu Cara. :) The graphics are a bit simple, because all the efforts were focused on challenges/addictiveness/gameplay. 
Posted July 16, 2006 6:03:16 PM
Wonderquest, an Addictive free Turn-Based/Strategy game. Hi Gauvir, you can customize the controls on the option screen. Click in the notebook default button, or set the configuration you prefer. I don't think it's a good idea to use the arrow keys, because you will need to use the diagonal move a... 
Posted July 9, 2006 3:16:04 PM
Wonderquest, an Addictive free Turn-Based/Strategy game. Quote:Original post by Ezbez I'm really enjoying the game! It's quite fun. Thanks Ezbez. Any problem, just post in the game forum.  
Posted July 6, 2006 4:16:58 PM
Wonderquest, an Addictive free Turn-Based/Strategy game. Quote:Original post by Andrea81 How's for.... A Pizzaman from Italy. :) Heh, :) There was an Italian girl previously, but she was removed. (Too much Characters I guess). The history of the game is inspired in the series Lost. Which several peo... 
Posted July 3, 2006 4:12:53 PM
Wonderquest, an Addictive free Turn-Based/Strategy game. Thanks Bschneid, have fun. No Valles, this game was made using an engine of mine using C++/DirectX. It's only inspired by DROD. If you check the game forum, you'll see that the DROD staff is providing it's web space. Plus, This game was devel... 
Posted July 3, 2006 3:45:51 PM
The best 2D engine nowadays.. Well, thanks everyone for the answers, specially for the code. I think I'll work around with Direct3dSprite and OpenGL a little bit. 
Posted May 8, 2006 1:23:05 PM
The best 2D engine nowadays.. OK, I think I didn't express clearly before: :-) I'm finishing my 2d game right now. Made with DDraw here. My next game is also 2D, but I need alpha blending, rotation, intensive use of UI. The question is where should I go, which direct... 
Posted May 7, 2006 8:54:38 PM
The best 2D engine nowadays.. DDraw is certainly dead, but still fast. I made a test with Direct3dsprite, but it appeared to me to be very slow. Is it worth to learn? Any library based on it? no problem for a library to use DX or OpenGL, all I don't want is to have to code... 
Posted May 7, 2006 7:39:26 PM
Lumina Space Shooter Gostei da bandeirinha! ;-) (I'm just telling him I liked the small flag, I'm Brazilian too). 
Posted April 26, 2006 2:24:17 PM
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