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Get to know Roquqkie...  
Full Name Mikkel Hempel
Nickname Roquqkie 
State/Province, Country Kobenhavn   Denmark
GD Gathering City Hellerup, Kobenhavn, Denmark
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Member Since 4/11/2001 6:36:15 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Terrain w. water and physics This is just an old project for my VR-course at uni... :) 
Posted November 1, 2005 12:58:58 AM
TBN-space "rotated" I have a really weird "bug"... I have a mesh and my mesh have tangents, bitangents and normals for each vertex, which I computed using Mesh.ComputeTangentFrame (a managed directx helper-function)... when I want to move my light-vector into my TBN-... 
Posted September 12, 2006 4:05:49 PM
TBN-space "rotated" I have a really weird "bug"... I have a mesh and my mesh have tangents, bitangents and normals for each vertex, which I computed using Mesh.ComputeTangentFrame (a directx helper-function)... when I want to move my light-vector into my TBN-space it... 
Posted September 12, 2006 2:16:36 PM
Real-time marker recognition and tracking (with screenshots and clips) Hi, I'm currently developing a Augmented Reality detection and tracking-system. Check out my current work: First movie Second movie The movies are compressed with DivX. Don't mind the flickering in the first movie. This is due to my s... 
Posted January 17, 2006 6:51:10 PM
Raytracer + Photonmapping This is an old raytracer I wrote. The raytracer features: - Textures - Normalmaps (just for fun) - Anti-aliasing - Photon mapping (caustics etc.) - Arealights (creates softshadows) - Overlight blooming Best regards Roquqkie  
Posted November 3, 2005 10:22:11 AM
Hierarchical Occlusion Maps - Projection test Hi ! I'm in the process of implementing hierarchical occlusion maps. I have my Z-hierarchi and I now need to test wether an object is occluded or not. This should be done by projecting the objects bounding box into the Z-hierarchi, but from here... 
Posted June 12, 2005 4:20:13 AM
Radix-sort for floating-points? Hi ! Can anyone give me a hint on how to implement the radix-sorting algorithm for floating-points? I need it to sort some alpha-blended polygons :( Best regards, Roquqkie 
Posted June 8, 2005 3:58:25 PM
Image recognition Hi there :) This summer I will have to implement real-time image-recognition. My application should be able to recognize simple patterns on flat surfaces, i.e. a pattern made of black and white lego-blocks. I was hoping that some of you h... 
Posted May 27, 2005 5:39:33 AM
Finding the best occluder(s) Hi :) I'm currently working on my Hierarchical Occlusion Map, HOM, implementation. Now I'm wondering if anyone of you bright minds have an idea on how to find the best occluder(s) (from a polygon-soup in whatever spacial relationship yo... 
Posted March 10, 2005 2:33:37 PM
HOMs like Yann L Hi! After reading about HOMs in RTR 2nd. ed. and in the forums here at, I decided to implement it myself. I've then written a software-renderer, that renders my occluders to a Z-buffer. Now I have a few questions: What is the mo... 
Posted March 14, 2005 5:50:14 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Salary Stay in your field :) Many of my friends (all informatic civil-engineers) earn between 7k and 14k us$ per month. I'll graduate in less than an year! :D 
Posted November 10, 2006 10:57:06 AM
TBN-space "rotated" Sorry to bump the post, but I'm in lack of time ;) 
Posted September 14, 2006 1:15:50 PM
TBN-space "rotated" sirob: Thanks. Flipping my texture-coordinates y-axis removed the need for -T, but I still need to swap T and B, so it's TBN-matrix = (B,T,N); Did Microsoft make a mistake here and thought that T was derived from the partial derivative of V and n... 
Posted September 13, 2006 12:51:53 PM
TBN-space "rotated" S1CA: Thank you for your help :) I'm rendering a screen-aligned quad in the xy-plane. the vertices are (0,0,0), (1,0,0), (1,1,0), (0,1,0) and the lower-left texture-coordinate is (0,0), lower-right (1,0), upper-right (1,1) and upper-left (0,1).... 
Posted September 13, 2006 1:12:34 AM
Newest demo, boats Looks okay, but you seriously need to look into "Fresnel" to calculate the ratio between reflection and refraction =) 
Posted May 30, 2006 10:34:52 AM
AP Computer Science AB Free Response Hi, Buy and read first part of "Introduction to algorithms 2nd. ed." by Thomas H. Cormen: Good luck with your test! Best rega... 
Posted April 17, 2006 11:37:55 AM
Haddd v2.0 C# MDX shaders 2.0 engine It looks okay, nothing extraordinary tho' Best regards, Roquqkie 
Posted March 10, 2006 12:31:40 PM
MaxScript very basic exporter MacroScript ExportMesh category:"HowTo" ( fn GetGeometry o = ( Superclassof o == Geometryclass and classof o != TargetObject ) obj = pickobject filter:GetGeometry if isValidNode obj then ( tmesh = snapshotAsMesh obj ... 
Posted February 7, 2006 3:34:04 PM
MaxScript very basic exporter Hi! Hehe, click on help->Maxscript... Then you click "How to's"... Then click "How to write an exporter part 2"... There you have it :) A exporter written in MaxScript that does excactly what you need! :) Best regards, Roquqkie 
Posted February 7, 2006 3:17:50 PM
Real-time marker recognition and tracking (with screenshots and clips) Thanks! :D I will keep you updated! My goal is to implement a full Augmented Reality system that can recognize and track planar fiducials (markers) and give an approximation to its 3d-orientation. Best regards, Roquqkie 
Posted January 18, 2006 4:19:27 PM
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