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Full Name John David Karlgren
Nickname Kada2k6 
State/Province, Country Orebro Lan   Sweden
GD Gathering City Orebro, Orebro Lan, Sweden
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Job Title Master of the universe 
Job Description Its true! 
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Member Since 12/5/2005 9:35:39 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
(SDL+OpenGL) Messed up screenshots Hello I'm using SDL and OpenGL, and I wrote a function for saving screenshots to BMP several years ago, but recently discovered that it doesn't seem to work properly (for some reason). Taking a screenshot of a 1024x768 screen works just fine: ... 
Posted January 1, 2011 11:43:25 PM
Calculating the "zoom out" value Hello I'm trying to do something which is probably fundamental and very easy for most of you here, but I just can't seem to figure it out... I've tried this many times now, and still don't get it. I'll try explain the problem in very easy steps... 
Posted December 20, 2010 5:33:21 PM
NetNuclear - a Nuclear War remake! NetNuclear is a freeware TCP/IP multiplayer remake of the classic 1989 computer game Nuclear War by New World Computing, Inc. The original game was released for Commodore Amiga and DOS, which are both obsolete systems today. That, plus the fact t... 
Posted January 9, 2010 12:04:20 PM
FBO with stencil test Hi guys What I want to do is really simple: I just want to be able to render my scene to a texture, and to be able to do stencil testing while I'm doing it. This is my code so far, which works: GLuint render_texture_number; GLuint fbo; G... 
Posted February 25, 2009 4:47:57 PM
Stencil buffer issue For my game, I've written a function for drawing "fake" shadows on the ground. I call them fake, because they're just textures drawn on the ground. I don't use volume shadows or anything like that. I use the stencil buffer to prepare all... 
Posted January 25, 2009 9:10:43 AM
About #gamedev I've been ranting about the IRC channel many times before, and I've been told to "simply not come there if I don't like it", but the thing is that there ARE actually people here on Gamedev who are INTERESTED in what they're doing, and would actu... 
Posted February 10, 2009 10:24:22 AM
Simple lightmap headaches I've added some cheap "lighting" in my game by just drawing a flat lightmap texture where there is supposed to be light, but it's not looking entirely right. This is a problem I've had for months now, and I don't know how to solve it. Maybe it's supe... 
Posted July 7, 2008 11:44:48 AM
Problem with variable being set to 0 Hi I've got a problem which I've had for several months now, and it has halted my game development completely. I just can't figure out what the heck is wrong. What I'm doing is reading a stored player from a text file back into the game. It all... 
Posted May 10, 2008 7:03:11 AM
(solved) Problem with struct I'm working on my graphics loader, and I'm trying to define some settings for bitmaps and stuff. Anyway, this is what I got in my header file: struct BitmapStruct { int bitmap_id; char filename[64]; int width; int height; ... 
Posted February 13, 2008 12:03:10 PM
Finding the bottleneck? Well, I'm desperate and all out of ideas... I've been working on a game for a while that uses SDL and OpenGL, and it's running fine on my computer. I'm getting about ~200 FPS, and note that this is a 4-5 year old machine. What's so fu... 
Posted January 30, 2008 5:14:28 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
(SDL+OpenGL) Messed up screenshots Quote:Original post by jyk [...] it might have something to do with the current unpacking settings for OpenGL. Thanks! That seemed to be it. I Googled "opengl unpacking" and found that if I do this: glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); befo... 
Posted January 2, 2011 11:15:14 AM
Calculating the "zoom out" value Thank you szecs, and thank you macnihilist for your time and help. I think I'm understanding this now. And yes, I know this is probably elementary for somebody who does 3D graphics programming on a daily basis. But it also comes down to interest... 
Posted December 23, 2010 3:36:13 PM
Calculating the "zoom out" value Quote:Original post by szecs Ever heard of degrees vs radians? Thank you. And yes, I have... Not only would "you need to convert to radians" have sounded nicer, but it would also have provided the *solution* to the problem. If I knew about all... 
Posted December 23, 2010 2:42:09 PM
Calculating the "zoom out" value Quote:Original post by szecs 0.5 * 1 / tan(45°/2) = 1.20710678 I must be doing something horribly wrong, because... float value = 0.5 * 1 / tan(45.0f / 2); ...calculates to 0.896295 here?? 
Posted December 23, 2010 9:26:27 AM
Calculating the "zoom out" value Quote:Original post by macnihilist Can you post what you're using for resX, fovX, how many texels you use per tile and what the width of a tile is (in world space units)? I thought I did in my very first post... But here it is again: The screen... 
Posted December 22, 2010 6:50:30 PM
Calculating the "zoom out" value I'm sorry macnihilist, but it's not working.... It's just not calculating the right value. :/ 
Posted December 22, 2010 2:55:03 PM
Calculating the "zoom out" value Quote:Original post by szecs Look into "2D HUD" for example. Quote:Original post by Danny02 why can't u use orthogonal projection? I think you guys underestimate me a little bit. I know about different projection modes, but my problem isn't abo... 
Posted December 21, 2010 3:31:44 PM
Calculating the "zoom out" value Quote:Original post by Schinizer try calculating your near plane of your frustum? Could you explain how please? 
Posted December 21, 2010 7:24:25 AM
Calculating the "zoom out" value No, that's not what I'm doing. It's for a tile-based game I'm working on. This part has to do with the scaling of the graphics. I can't use orthogonal projection either, because parts of the game is in 3D. 
Posted December 20, 2010 11:58:52 PM
Trying to upscale 16x16 tiles to 32x32 Might this be what you're looking for? 
Posted January 24, 2010 5:34:06 AM
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