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Full Name Cubix Studio
Nickname suryanievi 
State/Province, Country WA   United States
GD Gathering City Bellevue, WA, United States
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Member Since 12/31/2005 8:24:33 PM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
CubixStudio - new Female NPC pack Hi everyone, i'm back again with a new character pack, sorry for lack of update on my site. anyway, finally this week i got a chance to finish my Female NPC pack, here is the promo picture & some screenshots. and, here is my site: Cu... 
Posted November 23, 2006 5:56:12 PM
CubixStudio releases Female NPC pack CubixStudio releases Female NPC packPosted by: Cubix Studio at November 23, 2006 3:30:48 AMCubix Studio is pleased to announce its 4th product, Female NPC Pack. This pack will help game developer to populate their game with an easy modifiable NPC ch... 
Posted November 23, 2006 3:30:48 AM
Cubix Studio Male NPC Pack This is my 3rd character pack, that i made available on my site, Cubix Studio. a short descriptions about this character: - 1356 triangles - 2 face texture variation & 2 outfit variation (Casual & Fantasy Medieval theme). - Layered Photosh... 
Posted April 9, 2006 9:23:39 PM
CubixStudio releases Male NPC pack CubixStudio releases Male NPC packPosted by: Evi Suryani at April 9, 2006 5:41:22 AMCubix Studio is pleased to announce its 3rd product, Male NPC Pack. This pack will help game developer to populate their game with an easy modifiable NPC character... 
Posted April 9, 2006 5:41:22 AM
Cubix Studio - new - Male NPC Pack hi everyone, Recently i released my 3rd pack, Male NPC Pack, it's now available for only $15 :D i got many request for swimming, crawl and walk animation, so i include those animations with this release, also with the additional... 
Posted April 15, 2006 2:40:42 PM
3D Male Content Pack Hi everyone, this is my 2nd product, hopefully you will find it useful for your game dev need :D the price for this pack is slightly higher than the female pack ($19.95), i did some research first before i come up with that price, i hope it's s... 
Posted February 10, 2006 12:28:52 PM
PCGamer: Mini Games Mega Fun i saw interesting article in PC Gamer, lots of indie games are posted there, yours might be one of them :D.. congratulation !!! here you can find a crappy scanned page from the magz, hopefully it's ok to post it here :P Page One ... 
Posted February 13, 2006 4:52:49 AM
CubixStudio Announces 3D Male Content Pack CubixStudio Announces 3D Male Content PackPosted by: Evi Suryani at February 9, 2006 11:17:23 PMCubixStudio is pleased to announce its 2nd product, 3D Male Content Pack, a very useful template for creating your own 3D characters. Comes with layered... 
Posted February 9, 2006 11:17:23 PM
3D Lowpoly Male Template for sale Hi everyone, this is my 2nd product, hopefully you will find it useful for your game dev need :D ====== the price for this pack is slightly higher than the female pack ($19.95), i did some research first before i come up with that price, i... 
Posted February 9, 2006 10:52:54 PM
Cubix Studio - Lowpoly Female Model Template Hi everyone, a friend of mine recommend this site for me, i hope i can be useful for the community here :D anyway, i just released a Low Poly Female Model Template, originally it's all setup for Torque Game Engine (because that's the only... 
Posted December 31, 2005 8:51:37 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
CubixStudio - new Female NPC pack thanks for the comments guys, i really appreciate it :D @ROBERTREAD1 hohoho... she's gonna be an interesting NPC i'll see if i can make a similiar character in the future :D  
Posted November 26, 2006 7:13:05 AM
Cubix Studio Male NPC Pack thanks a lot Isiahil :D regards, evi 
Posted May 7, 2006 10:27:39 PM
Cubix Studio Male NPC Pack thanks again everyone :D @zedzeek: yes, in the future i will make pack for high end engine also :D 
Posted April 18, 2006 10:03:52 PM
CubixStudio releases Male NPC pack thank you so much everyone, i'm glad that you like the models, i'll work hard to release more affordable pack in the future :D many thanks, evi 3D Characters for sale 
Posted April 12, 2006 3:34:03 AM
Cubix Studio Male NPC Pack woot !! thanks a lot DogCity :D evi 
Posted April 11, 2006 1:11:35 AM
Cubix Studio Male NPC Pack thanks for the suggestion savage, i'll keep that in mind when i do the next pack :D, actually it's setup that way so that it can bend correctly, but i guess i have to add one more edge there to make it look more natural :D thanks again, ... 
Posted April 10, 2006 5:52:47 AM
3D Male Content Pack Thanks everyone :D @Kwizatz: if you have the pack, i can help you to export to another format :D at this moment i already include various format (with rigging & animation intact) DirectX, Milkshape, FragMotion, Blitz3D, 3D Game Studio MDL, FBX,... 
Posted February 15, 2006 3:13:08 AM
3D Male Content Pack @savage: i intentionally remove the genital part, so i can make it available to more wider audience, i want to keep it PG-13 [grin] 
Posted February 12, 2006 4:45:25 PM
Insomnia Engine Woah the blooming effect is really cool, would be nice to see demo movies :D 
Posted February 11, 2006 1:53:11 PM
3D Male Content Pack @Selsesstissan : sure, you can see the demo movies from this link: Demo Movies Best Regards, Evi 
Posted February 11, 2006 1:50:04 PM
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