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Member Since 5/27/2005 10:19:08 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Memory I'm going to try and make this a long story short. I've been working with my 4 year old to build some games just for him and his friends. Upon completing the first one I decided that it was time to create a website just for truly free kids games... 
Posted May 31, 2007 11:59:02 AM
GetDIBits and CreateCompatibleBitmap woes I'm working on a screen scraper app in Lazarus (like Delphi only open source) and working directly with Windows API/GDI to create a screen shot that is then processed by my app. After quite a bit of reading I discovered that I wanted to us... 
Posted August 17, 2009 5:45:54 PM
Help with Verlet Point to Line Constraint response Been a long time since I have had time to play with much. Started working with Verlet Integration again just as a quick physics refresher. All was great until I got into Point to Line collision response. Source code and download of exe/source be... 
Posted July 29, 2009 3:15:25 PM
Help with calculating optimal display position for tree nodes? For a project I'm working on I need to display a tree of nodes and leafs to the user. In general, this is a simple thing to achieve until I decided that I wanted to achieve a best fit render. Currently I'm using a bottom up approach to rende... 
Posted January 6, 2009 3:09:52 PM
Collision Response - Verlet Particles??? I've been playing with Verlet quite a bit lately, and have managed to get a nice little spring and particle system working. After quite a bit of reading and try try again failures I managed to figure out Particle to Plane collision and response. I'... 
Posted December 13, 2007 9:29:46 AM
Secrets of the Domus Aurea - Stage 4 Development Screenshots Here are some updated shots from my game. In stage 4 Fox started working with us on the game UI and combat scenarios. He has been an exceptional asset thus far and it shows. New button and frame designs, and a new combat system are all in pla... 
Posted April 15, 2007 2:47:12 AM
2D Artist Needed - Secrets of the Domus Aurea (8 bit look and feel) Team name: Eon Clash - More of a one man show, but its been around a while. Project name: Secrets of the Domus Aurea Brief description: We am currently working on an entry for PGD 2007, and though we don't have a problem with the p... 
Posted March 30, 2007 12:41:00 PM
Secrets of the Domus Aurea Secrets of the Domus Aurea is Eon Clash's entry into the Pascal Game Development contest 2007. It is utilizing the JumpStart engine that has been greatly upgraded from last years compo. This year full Linux support is in place, though a proper inst... 
Posted March 30, 2007 9:04:10 PM
New version of Tile Joiner released! I've upgraded my Tile Joiner application to utilize the Vampyre Imaging Library. This has added the ability to import MANY different file types as well as export to many different file types. Also included is a new Lua exporter as another sample ex... 
Posted February 27, 2007 2:09:18 PM
Eon Clash - Secrets of the Domus Aurea - Development Version Available (Artist) Team name: Eon Clash Project name: Secrets of the Domus Aurea Brief description: Secrets of the Domus Aurea is my entry into the Pascal Game Development Competition 2007. The game is a simple 2D top down maze, puzzle, semi-RPG (not really), edu... 
Posted February 23, 2007 10:11:17 AM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
GetDIBits and CreateCompatibleBitmap woes Quote:Original post by Buckeye Quick-look: If this is your actual code, maybe height should be height? bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth := FWidth; // Width in pixels bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight := FWidth; // Height in pixels Also, take a look at the FAQ a... 
Posted August 17, 2009 7:02:26 PM
help with 2d picking after zooming (2d game engine) actualPositionVector = clickedPositionVector*scale At least in your case that's the proper way. 
Posted July 31, 2009 1:06:33 PM
My Isometric Engine It looks as though you are using 2D shadow casting (or recursive shadow mapping) and utilizing the Y distance of the tile as the "height" to determine how far past the shadow should be cast. If the Y is > the light source Y then the cast is infin... 
Posted July 30, 2009 4:25:25 PM
Distributing evenly spaced points Can you clarify your question with an image or something? It would seem that you want to move from the following drawing (if you can call it that): O------X------O------O------O------O------O------X------O X and O are points X are attraction... 
Posted July 30, 2009 4:17:12 PM
Help with Verlet Point to Line Constraint response Updated my graphic slightly (now shows what I mean by D and properly or closely shows the nV->nv-1 relation). If I understand what your saying (and I don't think I do as the line projection is something I'm unsure of). My psudo code should be:... 
Posted July 30, 2009 1:49:35 PM
Help with Verlet Point to Line Constraint response Ok, I know what my problem is; I'm not calculating my angles properly for the reflection and I'm not setting my last position on my particles before I come out of the resolution. IE: In the image above: Let V be the point vector after... 
Posted July 29, 2009 11:38:04 PM
Problem - 2D Random Map in OpenGL The header info your looking for is (in pascal): tagBITMAPFILEHEADER = packed record bfType: Word; bfSize: DWORD; bfReserved1: Word; bfReserved2: Word; bfOffBits: DWORD; end; Other useful links http://msdn.micros... 
Posted July 29, 2009 3:33:22 PM
is it possible to break/continue a lua script from Engine side? Short answer, yes. Look at the Debug library and lua_sethook() method. Longer answer: While this can be accomplished within your engine and application it should be avoided at all costs except when debugging source code. Calling the Debug libra... 
Posted January 16, 2009 5:35:28 PM
RUDI - an open source Christmas game Awesome, I can't wait till this one is released. Looks like the type of game both of my kids will enjoy. Love the graphics and the style from what I've seen thus far. Nice little Snake meets a 3D engine game :). - Jeremy 
Posted December 18, 2007 9:01:33 AM
Collision Response - Verlet Particles??? AWESOME! Thanks greatly Hardwire, thats exactly what I needed :). My points collide with each other and react just the way I would expect them to. Now its on to angular constraints for springs that way I don't have to re-enforce everything to... 
Posted December 13, 2007 11:58:34 AM
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