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State/Province, Country Seoul-tukpyolsi   Korea, Republic of
GD Gathering City SEOUL, Seoul-tukpyolsi, Korea, Republic of
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Member Since 5/8/2008 4:41:26 AM
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Some recent topics started on our forums
Fast Real-time Translucent Rendering Technique Using Spherical Harmonics We present a new approach to real-time translucent rendering. For translucent rendering, we need depth of surface for every light direction, and this can be implemented by pre-calculated sphere map. However, it's too hard to store a texture per vert... 
Posted November 19, 2009 12:35:59 PM
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Some recent replies made on our forums
Fast Real-time Translucent Rendering Technique Using Spherical Harmonics Quote:Original post by sebh Thank you for all these details! :) I have learned spherical harmonics recently and I still have a lot to learn so please forgive my ignorance but: where does this code/formula come from? Quote: float SHDotProduct(... 
Posted November 27, 2009 3:02:54 AM
Fast Real-time Translucent Rendering Technique Using Spherical Harmonics Quote:Original post by sebh I guess you store 1/depth˛ instead of depth to multiply with your incoming lights right? How do you convert a light into spherical harmonic? SH coefficient represents just a normalize depth. It has no light factors. (... 
Posted November 23, 2009 10:34:32 PM
Fast Real-time Translucent Rendering Technique Using Spherical Harmonics Quote:Original post by MetaKnight Did you store SH data per vertex or pixel? It looks like vertex to me right now from those pictures. You are right. I stored SH data per vertex, and calculated depths in vertex shader. 
Posted November 20, 2009 12:10:32 AM
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